Congrats to F Train who won the blogger's tournament at Caesar's Palace on Saturday.

WPBT Summer Classic Champion: F Train
We had Jay Greenspan, Phil Gordon, Michael Craig, and Howard Lederer talk to us before the event. We also had a charity Roshambo tourney. I lost in the first round to Michalski.
I took 19th place out of 120+ and had a tough table for the entire tournament. Here's my starting table:
Seat 1: Brent Stacks from Lord AdmiralSpaceman won the Gigli prize after he busted out first by Michael Craig.
Seat 2: Your Hero
Seat 3: Matt from Wired Paint then Bill RIni
Seat 4: Shane Nickerson
Seat 5: Double As
Seat 6: Emily (Glyph's girlfriend)
Seat 7: AlCantHang
Seat 8: Sommer ( then Jay Greenspan
Seat 9: Change100
Seat 10: Dan from PokerKats
I had aces twice and let DoubleAs bully me out of a pot. I also got AlCantHang to fold 10-10 to my 9-9 preflop.
Our dealer said that he's dealt tournament all over Las Vegas for decades, but never had a funnier table. I think he pissed his pants during the table's "hookers & mashed potatoes" routine. We were talking about finding discount coupons in the back of "What's On" magazine (you'll find it in every hotel in Vegas) that included a 20% off coupon for a hooker that also included a free side dish.
Grubbette moved all in with the Hammer and bluffed Dan Michalski. I heard that Hoyazo cracked Michael Craig's A-A.
That's it for now... I have to do a few hours of work covering the WSOP Ladies Event at the Rio. I'll have a full trip report soon. Stay tuned.
Here's a random photo dump:

Amy Calistri

Garth's card capper

I love Bobby's penis too



Howard speaks


Grubby's card capper

Iggy's first place trophy
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