I decided to just buy one flat out. I'm assuming that the previous tenant was a hooker who flushed one too many condoms down the drain, because my plumbing is all kinds of backed up.
Last night, I told Steve, Debi, and BJ the story about the fat black hooker who did a trick in the stairway right near my front door and how I watched in morbid curiosity. She kept asking the guy if he was "done yet."
I wanted to sleep in today but for some reason they decided to trim the tiny patch of grass in front of my room at 10:00am. I'm sure my head hit the pillow at 7am.
Because it is a holiday weekend, the Redneck Riviera is packed with delinquents and travelers alike. The pool was packed full with pot-bellied redneck kids when I walked past it this morning. I popped into the spa area to see if my favorite single-mom stripper was hanging out. I had not seen or heard from her in a few days. I need my stripper fix dammit.
At any rate, Happy 4th of July. I wish I could watch fireworks outside, but the only fireworks I'll be seeing is a Mike Matusow implosion or a Hellmuthian tirade.
Moving on...
Things are slow today. I am only covering three events:
1. Event #35 $10K Pot Limit Omaha Event Day 3 = Green fontThe Limit Hold'em event started with 406 players. The prize pool is $1,120,560. Today's action starts with 2 players. The PLO event began with 165 players. The prize pool is $1,551,000 and today's action will begin with 17 players. Yeah, I will be covering two final tables today, running back and forth in between PLO and Limit. 994 player started the NL w/ Rebuys event.
2. Event #36 $3K Limit Day 2 = Blue font
3. Event #37 $1K NL w/ Rebuys
****** Live Blogging Updates ******
2:01pm... $3K Limit Day 2 update. Matt Matros entered today second in chips. Ralph Perry (chip leader), Matt Matros, Kieu Duong, Mike Nargi, Daryl Mixan, Matt Hawrilenko, Todd "Dandruff" Witteles, Carlo Citrone, Anders Berg, Craig Crivello, Benjamin Lin, Peter Hedlund, Robert Perry, Cyndy Violette, Eddy Scharf, Chris Gildone, Holger Lindemann, Glenn Latona, Martin Cedercrantz, Mark Gregorich, Luis Santoni, Arthur Loring, Roy Thung, Peter Chi,and Daniel Negreanu.
2:31pm... $10 PLO Day 3 update: Action will begin in about a half hour. Here is who remains: Rafi Amit (Chip leader), Erik Seidel, Vinny Vinh, Ferit Gabriellson, Max Pescatori, Julian Gardner, Peter Costa, Simon "Aces" Trumper, John Gale, Jeff Rine, Derek Baxter, Tony Bloom, Larry Jonsson, Istvan Novak, Todd Brunson, Tony Cousineau, and Richard Son Pierre. Max Pescatori made the money in another event. Let's see if he can win his first WSOP bracelet. The event is packed with Europeans. More than half teh remaining players are from across the Atlantic. The Brits are attempting to take back some booty to the old country on our Independence Day of all days.
3:10pm... $10K PLO Day 2 update: We have our first bust out of the day. Chester St. Peter was knocked out by Peter Costa. In a weird sitaution, John Gale's hand was declared dead. On the river, it was brought to the attention that he had 5 cards, instead of 4. He already put about $20K in the pot and his hand was declared dead, despite the fact he insisted he only looked at four cards.
3:15pm... 3K NL update: The players are dropping out fast, too fast for everyone to keep up. Negreanu and his short stack was one of the first players eliminated. Mark Gregorich, Carlo Citrone, Chris Gildone, Glenn Latona, Luis Santoni, Martin Cederkrantz, Holger Lindemann, Roy Thung, Anders Berg, and Benjamin Lin are all busted.
4:00pm... $10K PLO Day 2 update: Larry Jonsson was knocked out by John Gale. Tony Cousineau was busted by Max Pescatori.
4:15pm... $10K PLO Day 2 update: Max Pescatri took a huge hit. He moved all in preflop with Ac-As-5s-4c and lost to Ferit Gabriellson's Qs-Ts-Jh-2h. Max was left with $4K in chips. He moved all in on the nect hand and doubled up.
4:20pm... Bouncin Round the Room: Jen from Poker wire suggested that it sound slike a baseball game today, with waitresses screaming out, "Ice cold water! Ice cold water!" Now if they only brought you hot dogs and Cracker Jack, life would be better. Todd Brunson was signing copies of Super System 2. I also jusy met John Vorhaus. Great writer and a cooler guy.
4:34pm... $3K Limit Day 2 update: Matt Matros took a huge hit when he was rivered. He had top pair with an average kicker and his opponet paired his kicker on the river. Matt is the short stack right now.
5:00pm... $3K Limit Final Table update: Here are the seat assignments with chip counts:
Seat 1: Rafael Perry (Las Vegas, NV) 101KMatt Matros is shortstacked!
Seat 2: Mike Nargi (Las Vegas, NV) 82K
Seat 3: Cyndy Violette (Atlantic City, NJ) 45K
4 Matt Hawrilenko (Philadelphia, PA) 110K
5 Daryl Mixan (Omaha, NE) 176K
6 Craig Crivello (Scottsdale, AZ) 67K
7 Todd Witteles (Las Vegas, NV) 212K
8 Eddie Scharf (Colgone, Germany) 95K
9 Kieu Duong (Mayslanding, NJ) 310K
10 Matt Matros (Brooklyn, NY) 23K
5:20pm.. $10K PLO w/ Rebuys Day 3 update: Tony Bloom, Max Pescatori, Peter Costa, and John Gale are all out. Max was busted by Todd Brunson and took 13th place. Action is down to 10.
5:30pm... $1K NL w/ Rebuys update: Shirley Rosario is playing in this event. She was shortstacked for a while then got switched tables... to the one right behind me. She has about $6500 in chips and sat down at a tble that included Gavin Smith, Layne Flack, Noah Boeken, and Jen Harman. Isabelle Mercier and The Grinder have both been knocked out.
5:31pm... $3K Limit Final Table update: Todd Witteles cracked Eddie Sharf's pocket aces with a river flush. Eddie is down to just one chip! A few hands earlier, Cyndy Ciolette scooped a huge pot.
5:43pm... $3K NL Final Table update: After doubling up and quadrupling up, Eddie Sharf moved all in with Q-J against Matt Matros' pocket tens. Matt's tens held up and ddie was knocked out in 19th place. He won $13,445.
5:50pm... $10K PLO update: Julian Gardner was elimianted in 10th place. Here are the final table seating assignments with chip counts:
Seat 1: Rafi Amit (Holon, Israel) $439K5:43pm... $3K Limit update: Matt Matros was elimanted in 9th place. He took a huge hit when someone sucked out a flush on him. He was all in with A-Q and lost to Todd Witteles's J-10. Matt said, "I can't stop the flushes from hitting." Matt collected $22,410 for his work.
Seat 2: Simon "Aces" Trumper(London, England) $312K
Seat 3: Vinny Vinh (Houston, TX) $236K
Seat 4: Ferit Gabriellson (Stockholmn, Sweden) $209K
Seat 5: Erik Seidel (Las Vegas, NV) $149K
Seat 6: Todd Brunson (Las Vegas, NV) $115K
Seat 7: Jeff Rine (Las Vegas, NV) $110K
Seat 8: Derek Baxter (London, England) $46K
Seat 9: Istvan Novak (Hungary) $39K
6:55pm... $3K Limit Final Table update: Mike Nargi and his short stack was just busted in 8th place by Craig Crivello's A-J. Nargi won $33,615.
7:00pm... $10K PLO Final Table update: Istvan Novak was elimianted in 9th place by Vinny Vonh. Novak had A-K-7-2 for two pair, kings and threes but Vinny Vinh showed K-7-5-2 and had a higher two pair with kings and fives. Istvan Novak won $31,020.
7:05pm... $10K PLO Final Table update: After getting his stack crippled a few hands before by Derek Baxter, Eirk Seidel flopped top set with A-A-J-4 double suited and ended up losing a big pot to Simon "Aces" Trumper when he caught two runners to catch a Broadway straight. Seidel won $46,530.
7:25pm... $10K PLO Final Table update: Ferit Gabriellson was just busted in 7th place. He moved all in preflop against Derek Baxter and Simon Trumper. By the river, Simonc aught a fush and it was good enough to win. Ferit Gabriellson was eliminated in 7th. He won $62,040.
7:29pm... Bouncin Round the Room: Steve Hall came over to me and told me that Jen Harman is wearing a thong. She's sitting behind me and she usually sitts perched up on her chair. Thanks for the under garments update, Steve. In case you were wondeing, I am wearing plaid boxer shorts. The railbids are total idiots today. They have been walking up to the tables and getting in the way of the media. I have to throw a few elbows just to get up front.
8:00pm... $1K NL w/ Rebuys update: Shirley Rosario was just busted arund 201st place. She had a tough table with Layne Flack to her left and she was waiting for good hands to play. Unfortunately, she didn't get much and lost to Layne Flack's pocket 9's.
8:12pm... $10K PLO Final Table update: Rafi Amit knocked ou Todd Brunson. Amit had Jh-Js-7h-7c and Todd had Qd-Td-Th-8h. The both were all in on the flop of Jd-3d-9h. Althought Todd caught a flush on the river, Amit hit a full boat on the turn. Todd Brunson was bsuted in 6th place and won $77,550.
8:14pm... $3K Limit Final Table update: With Ad-9d Cyndy Violette doubled up with her small stack when she caught a flush.
8:20pm... $3K Limit Final Table update: Cyndy Violette was just knocked out in 7th place. She was all in preflop and Rafael Perry had A-A. Cyndy took home $44,820.
8:23pm... $3K Limit Final Table update: Craig Crivello was knocked out in 6th place. Craig had 6-6 and it did not hold up against Todd Witteles. Craig won $56,030 for 6th place.
9:15pm... $3K Limit Final Table update: Matt Hawrilenko moved all in on board of Q-7-5-9. Kieu Duong called with Q-J. Hawrilenko showed Q-6. The river was no help and Hawrilenko finished in 5th. He won $67,235.
9:30pm... $3K Limit Final Table update: Rafael Perry moved all in preflop with 2-2 against Todd Witteles' Qc-Jc. Witteles caught a Jack on the turn and Perry was eliminated in 4th place. He won $78,440.
10:00pm... $3K Limit Final Table update: Kieu Duong moved all in preflop against Todd Witteles and his Kd-6d. Duong showed Ac-4c and led all the way until the river when a King fell on the river. Kieu Duong finished in 3rd place. She earned $89,645. We reached heads up play. Todd Witteles had almost a 2 to 1 chiplead.
10:30pm... $1K NL w/ Rebuys update: Phil Hellmuth was just busted. There are 153 players left. Rafe Furst, Melissa Hayden, Allen Cunningham, Mimi Tran, An Tran, James Woods, David Levi, Young Phan, Chau Giang, David Plastik, Devilfish, John Myung, Jen Harman, kathy Leibert, Howard Lederer, Davood Mehrmand, My Main Man Freddy Deeb, Layne Flack, Mike Gracz, and Barry Greenstein are all still left.
10:45pm... $10K PLO Final Table update: Derek Baxter is eliminated in 4th place. On a flop of Qc-Jh-9h, both players moved all in. Baxter had Ah-Js-9c-5h and Amit flipped over 10h-9s-8h-7d for the straight. Derek Baxter's hand did not improve and he was busted in 4th place. He won $124,080.
10:55pm... $10K PLO Final Table update: Jeff Rine was the next player elimianted. On a flop of Ad-9c-7s, Vinny Vinh bet $70K and Jeff Rine moved all in. Vinh quickly called. Rine flipped over As-Js-10h-6s and Vinh showed Ah-Ac-7c-2h with a set of Aces. Jeff Rine's hand did not improve and he was eliminated in 3rd place. He won $155,100.
11:30pm... $3K Limit Final Table update: Daryl Mixen was eliminated in second place. On a board of K-8-7-10, Daryl Mixan moved all in. Todd Witteles showed two pair 10-7 and Mixan only had top pair with K-6. The riverdidn't help Daryl Mixan, and he was eliminated in 2nd place. Daryl Mixan won $179,385. Todd Witteles won $347,385 and his first gold bracelet.
2:01am... $10K PLO Final Table update: After three hours of heads up play, it seems that Vinny Vinh took a huge hit. He moved all in on the flop with trip 8s, however, Rafi flopped a full house. Vinny was crippled. He has less than 100K remaining. Then it got ugly. Rafi dropped the F-bomb and tournament director, Jack Effel, put a ten minute penalty on Rafi. His railbird went nuts and flew into a fit of rage. One guy walked up and got into Jack's face. He had to call security to table #136 and several of his railbirds were 86'd by Jack for taunting and being overall assholes. One drunk guy was being obnoxious and one of the other floor persons wanted him thrown out as well. It was a really ugly scene and Rafi continued to plead his case to Jack as he got blinded off during his ten minute penalty. He lost almost $200K in chips since the blinds were $8K and $16K. Devilfish wandered over and added his two cents. He said, "It's a stupid rule."
3:30am... $10K PLO Final Table update: After five hours we have a winner. Rafi flopped two pair and called Vinny's all in bet. Vinny had just two kings and on the turn Rafi hit full boat. Vinny won $282,280 for second place. Rafi won $511,835 for first.
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