For now, I'm short on time. I'd love to write on and on about my building complex, plus I know there's a huge demand for stories about temerarious drug dealers, gelid wife beaters, pot-bellied inbred kids, and myopic wheelchair bound gossip queens... but you'll have to wait. Indeed, my life at the Redneck Riviera is good enough material for a novel or a Bob Dylan song.
Moving on...
Wil called me. He's playing in the $1500 event today along with Double As and his buddy Curzdog. I had lunch with Double As and Curzdog and I'd love to see them at afinal table with Wil. I will try to cover that $1500 buy in event... but it's on the other side of the room. I'll do my best. Those updates will be in blue.
****** Live Blogging Updates *******
12:04pm... Action will begin soon. There are 569 players left. Action is hand to hand until then. We are at Level 13. Antes are $300. Blinds are $1000/2000. The Average chip count = $98,950. Biggest stack is Rod Pardey with $464K. The lowest stack is Mike Santoro with $3,200.
12:10pm... Featured Table update: Howard Lederer (seat 4) and Webber Kang (seat 1) are at the TV table. Lederer is wearing a Full Tilt hockey jersey. His number is 13.
12:15pm... $1500 NL update: Wil did not bring Darwin with him today. He had been bringing him bad luck. The last thing I told Wil today was, "Don't play like a pussy!"
12:38pm... They powers to be did a draw for the button. Seat 7 will be the button to start out. 2004 Champ Greg "Fossilman" Raymer spoke for a few moment. He did the honors today as he said, "Shuffle up and deal!" The cards are in the air.
12:45pm... The media (except ESPN is prevented from entering the player area during hand-to-hand progress. We are now on Hand #2 for the day.
12:52pm... 2 Players busted. 567 left.
12:56pm... Fox Sports published my recap of yesterday. Thanks guys! If you don't know Fox Sports will be airing the final table of the first ever live poker tournament in Las Vegas this Wednesday July 13. The first one was at Turning Stone but the this will be the first one in Las Vegas. It's sponsored by Full Tilt and will be held at La Bete (the swanky club where the Full Tilt Party was held). FOr more info check out FullTiltPoker.net Championship.
1:24pm... 593 players left.
1:25pm... Featured Table update: Howard Lederer doubled up Barbara Enright who had a small stack. He had 7-7 and Barbara had the Hilton Sisters. She hit a full house.
1:26pm... $1500 update: Wil was just sucked out on. J-J vs. K-4. The donkey caught a King on the river. The he was shortstacked with A-Q and ran into A-K to get busted.
2:00pm... I went out to talk to Wil. He was standing with Jesus and all these raibirds were taking their picture and one by one they'd stop to ask for photos. it was kinda funny and surreal. i was standing next to Otis too at the time. We thought we were famous... but those guys... they're real celebs. Anyway, I feel bad for Wil. He's a good player but never got far enough to show how good he is. Tournaments are brutal.
2:06pm... 561. We're on the bubble. As Otis said, "I love the bubble."
2:19pm... We're in the money! Karl Ygborn busted out in 561st place and the room errupted with applause. Otis said, "I'd hate to be that poor shmuck!" Some kid's mom sweating him is crying because her son made the money. Harrah's will pay for Bubble Boy's seat next year.
2:26pm... My comments section have now turned into a horrible RGP thread. Good grief. I'm not going to pull them, because they are some quality comments like pointing out spelling errors & typos... thanks for those. But I do not have the time to personally address all the petty antics there. I think Boy Genius summed it all up best:
Thank god for the "Comments Captains," as I know Pauly doesn't have the time to deal with telling people in here how stupid they are all day long. You perform a valuable service. Kudos to you my good sir(s).That's all I have to say about that. Time to cover the WSOP.
2:30pm... Hand to hand is no longer in progress.
2:44pm... 545 players left. I have a contact that will provide me players names who busted. It will take some time to get that done. But as soon as I get those names... I'll post them. A lot of all ins are hapening now. Followed by plenty of "Ooohs!" and "Ahhhhs!" The short stacks are looking to double up and are pushing with any marginal hands.
2:47pm... Here is the payout structure for 100 through 560:
101-140 = $54,9652:49pm... Recent Bustouts: Young Phan (544)
141-170 = $46,245
171-200 = $39,075
201-230 = $33,197
231-260 = $28,375
261-300 = $24,365
201-350 = $21,070
351-400 = $18,335
401-450 = $16,055
451-500 = $14,135
501-560 = $12,500
2:59pm... Fossilman scooped a huge pot. He's got more chips. 520 players left.
3:01pm... Wow... how about those Hilton Sisters? One of the ESPN guys told me about a hand that will definitely make the ESPN coverage. John Juanda caught a Queen on the river for a full boat to take a huge chunk of Paul Darden's stack. Darden flopped trips with Big Slick.
3:06pm... Bouncin Round the Room: What's the deal with the hotties on the rail today? There are companies that hire models, strippers, and hookers to wear their t-shirts and pimp their sites. When your product sucks, resort to the lowest tactics... sex sells. The lovely ladies walk around in tight shorts or short skirts, with stomachs so flat that I could lick whipped cream off of it for hours straight. Their fabricated breasts are jettting out and they could poke small children in the eye. Do I want to hire some girls to wear Tao of Poker t-shirts? Hell yes. E-mail me your head shots.
3:13pm... 502 players left.
3:19pm... Darden-Juanda Round II. Paul Darden 8-8 beat out Juanda's Big Slick and doubled up. This is like a good boxing fight.
3:22pm... The players are dropping out faster than my IQ points at a stripclub. 486 remaining.
3:26pm... Thanks to my Irish source Mike Lucky Blind, he told me that the Irishman with the biggest chip count is Andy Black with $230K. Andy was heckled by a rialbird last night and almost dropped him until security disposed of the drunken sot.
3:28pm... 480 left. Break coming up in 11 minutes.
3:30pm... Recent Bustouts: On my way to the media room to get more water, I just saw Clonie Gowen got kncoked out. Her As-Qs lost to two red pocket aces. The kid with A-A kept saying, "Red little! Red little!" 474 players left.
3:36pm... 465 players left. David Plastik had a crazy suckout. Some guy flopped a set of sevens. Plastik had top pair with A-Q. He caught runner runner full boat. Ouch.
3:40pm... My contact on British players, Jennifer from Blonde Poker, told me that Joe Beevers from Hendon Mob fame has $120K in chips.
3:43pm... 461 players remaining are on a break. The average chip count is $122K according to BJ's excellent math skills. Justin "Neverwin" Wollf is wearing a pink jump suit. Who does he think he is? J-Lo?
3:45pm... Thanks to Oddjack for pimping my WSOP coverage in a post called WSOP 2005: Here Is Where You Follow The Main Event Action. Thanks again guys.
3:50pm... Bustouts (560-500 get $12,500):
561 Karl Ygborn $10K for next year's seat4:05pm... 462 Players are coming back from break. Level 14 begins with $300 antes and $1200/$2400 blinds.
560 Frederick Brown
559 Martin Liaberte
558 David Anderson
557 Sergey Khromov
556 Robert John Kacher
555 Donald Delancy
554 Nadav Ravid
553 Robert Gentile
552 Andre Fridll
551 Duc Nguyen
550 William Bostley
549 Larry McFehee
548 Jalae Henson
547 Nicholas Matala
546 David Taylor
545 Oliber Monteax
544 Young Phan
543 Thomas Stanek
542 Sarne Lightman
541 Lee Ford
540 John Bae
539 James Courtney
538 Vincent Favorito
537 Daiel Piccioli
536 Troy Wallace
535 Chris Bane
534 Martin Foth
533 Kevin Betsill
532 Yan Neiman
531 John Ward
530 Robert Atkinson
529 Scott Clements
528 William Beasely
527 David Rubia
526 Charles Wey
525 Mike Lawrence
524 Steven Goldberg
523 Austin Moody
522 Panayote Vilandos
521 Elton beebe
520 Andrew Prock
519 Bill Phipps
518 Guy Calvery
517 Ken Justin
516 Matthew Kagan
515 Reagan Silber
514 William Flachsbart
513 Bruce Hardman
512 Jordan Marinov
511 Young Kane
4:10pm... Jennifer from Blonde Poker posted a good recap of the Celebrity/Media event. It's good because she mentioned me...specifically the hand when I moved all in on TK when I knew he was just trying to steal. Here's a bit:
The small blind was the self-confessed grinder and all-round poker writer Pauly McGuire (who knows who a lot of people are which has been invaluable to me, as I tend to default to describing them by hat colour when at a loss). He re-raised Tikay all-in for 11,400, and as the only stack around capable of taking him out, put him into dwell mode and eventually pass mode.Thanks for the pimpage, Jen!
"I have a pair of 10s, but I think you're in front," said Tikay, before revealing the reality of the 10 2 off button steal. "Every three months I make a blind steal," he continued, "Last one was March." McGuire showed A6 and some murmuring broke out about being committed and calling.
4:30pm... 429 players left.
4:32pm... $1500 update: Wil Wheaton and Curzdog are both out. I spoke to Double As at the break. He has $6,800 in chips and Men the Master to his right. No Coronoas yet though.
4:34pm... Recent Bustouts: Kirill Gerasimov is out. Here are some more bust outs. Each player gets $12,500...
510 Sasoon Gavrji4:38pm... Featured Table update: Barbara Enright has $70K in chips. Webber Kang has about $68K. Howard Lederer had $55K and she now has $80K after he doubled up with pocket aces.
509 Jeffrey Kanow
508 Russell Mohr
507 Corey Mandell
506 Manuel Sanchez
505 Berad Rygol
504 Meng La
503 K Angeloudis
502 Biagio Desantis
501 Robert Jones
The following guys won $14,135.
500 William Watter
499 Edward Scharf
498 Theodore Park
497 Jonas Lindlof
496 Christos Psillas
495 Grant Rist
494 Derek Leforte
493 Jimmy Blevins
492 Igor Yanovsky
491 Erez Savion
490 Gary Margadonna
489 Jean Harlan
488 Ryan Wimmers
487 Francis Harris
486 Steven Tague
485 Kevin Lazzaro
484 Brian Haveson
483 Bruce Rawdin
482 Jeremiah Vinsant
481 Matt Hawrilenko
480 Howard Mash
479 Tyrone Zinman
478 Thomas Schreiber
477 Mitch Schock
476 Matt Dean
475 James Goldstein
474 Allan Rippinger
4:44pm... Ray Pardley is on a tear. He now has over $800K. I'm guessing that makes him the chip leader. 409 players are left.
4:55pm... Bouncin Round the Room: Dan from Pokerati told me a great story about Sammy Farha making $1K prop bets during the hand-to-hand action early on today.
5:00pm... Man, we're down to 399! 1 hour is left at this level. According the BJ the Human Calculator the average stack is $140K.
5:20pm... Recent Bustouts... The following players go home with $14,130:
473 Doug Briggs5:43pm... 360 players are left. Otis said that Fossilman has almost $430K. 20 minutes until dinner break. Which means I'm 20 minutes away from a Red Stripe.
472 Robert Norberg
471 Gavin Smith
470 Charles Waddalena
469 Jason Fadness
468 Bradley Craig
467 Roger Tichenor
466 John Raveto
465 Stephen Doctor
464 Rueben Peters
463 Michael Soares
462 Raymond Henson
461 Quan Tran
460 Sean Walter
459 Clonie Gowen
458 Todd Bourgacelt
457 Michael Ewals
456 Tuan Nguyen
455 Michael Vitullo
454 Matthew Paucher
453 Pat McCann
452 Spence Thomson
451 Adam Naglich
The following players won $16,055:
450 Nicholas Venetia
449 Henning Frick
448 Ryan McKinney
447 Jeff Dziedzic
446 Mark Hylden
445 Richard Lester
444 Kirill Geraismov
443 Casey Peters
442 Casey McCarre
441 Serguey Ferlisov
440 Christopher Smith
439 Michael Cllins Jr.
438 Sal Calandra
437 Kevin Shackleford
436 Tai C. Tran
435 Jason Levine
434 Robert Jarrett
433 Tom Peterson
432 John Harrington
431 Mike Russell II
430 Francno Brunetti
429 Hooman Nikzad
428 Justin Budwey
427 Anthony Fagan
426 Matthew Szymaszek
425 Chris Grove
424 Bruno Pisa
423 Nikhil Persaud
422 Michael Davis
421 John William Hopkins
420 Theirry Mulin
419 Scott Glaze
418 Michael Padilla
417 Larry Collins
416 Jonathan Schecter
415 Yaron Wasserman
414 Louis Alderton
413 Harold Fitzpatrick
412 Stanley Boralskey
411 Jason Sertz
410 Michael O'Sullivan
409 Matt Vogel
408 Justin Yu
407 Carrol Hansen
406 James Feist
405 Chad Moore
404 Ryan Hughes
403 Oliver Fink
402 Matthew Paruis
401 Michael Murphy
All players win $18,335:
399 David Arnold
398 KellyKion
397 Joe DiDonato
396 Douglas Carli
395 Dennis Longoria
394 Christopher Lorenzo
393 Conrad Strapton
392 Bradley M. Helm
391 Josef Monro
390 Evan Schwartz
389 Esther Rossi
388 Tracy Scala
387 Dalton Polasek
386 Daniel Gray
385 Christopher Gartner
384 Matthew Overstreet
383 George Alex
382 Jeffrey Gilroy
381 Joseph Shaffer
380 James Overman
379 Kerry Petre
378 Karle Wilson
377 Charlie Morris
376 Craig Crivello
375 ???
374 Cameron Hamilton
373 David Cleveland
372 Bo Sehlstedt
371 Amir Esfandiari
370 Richard Tomman
369 Grant Stocco
368 Joe Rabledo
367 Eugene Malatesta
366 Derek Van Damme
365 Michael Reed
364 Richard Cohen
363 Stephen Dunphy
362 Lee Budin
361 Latin Salem
360 Robert Pearson
359 Keith Donail
358 Mark McNamara
357 Mark Galasso
356 Anthony O'Hagan
355 Thomas Hammers
354 Toan Ly
353 Louis Werman
352 Gary Friedlander
351 Joe Capos
5:53pm...This could be one of my last updates. Tournament directors are requirng that all members of the media stay behind and have a meeting. I suspect that we are going to get kicked out of the tournament area. I am hoping that I will not be asked to leave. Here's the problem... there are over 500 media reps here and they are clogging the floor. ESPN is pissed. Some of the players are irked. It's not me. It's not Card Player or Poker Pages or Poker Wire or Otis anyone who has been here since day one. A lot of the problem involves the newer members of the media who arrived in the last week or so. Some of these are shill sites or other places with teams of people and they are fucking this up for me. Am I pissed? Hell yeah. I'm territorial over my space and I hope I earned my right to stay here. Like I said, this could be my last post. More to come.
6:00pm... 351 players left. Action will resume at 7:30ish.
6:15pm... I'm not getting kicked out. However, I lost access to the tables. TD's will only let 10 members of the media go out to the floor at one time for a max. of five minutes. This blows. Hopefully Flipchip will be able to still get some photos. This is what happens when there are more members of the media here than players.
7:31pm... Players are back from a break. Antes are $400. Blinds are $1500/$300. I had two Red Stripes at the hooker bar. It takes me 3x amount of time to get from the break room to my spot. Oh well. At least I'm still here.
7:40pm... Featured Table update: I'm 15 feet from the TV table. This table includes Sammy Farha (Seat 3 - $55K) and Minneapolis Jim Meehan (Seat 5 - $185K). Should be fun. Sammy is wearing a white pastel shirt. Jim is yapping nonstop. Tim Phan (Seat 8 - $660K) who was one of the chip leaders yesterday is also there.
7:44pm... 343 players remain.
7:54pm... 334 players remain. I heard a rumor that the top 200 players will be drug tested.
8:10pm... Raymer has over a half a million in chips after he busted J-J with the Hilton Sisters.
8:20pm... Sammy Farha was busted in 316th place. He had 7-7 and John Falconeer flopped a full house with 5-5. Both players got the money in on the turn. 305 players are left.
8:25pm... $1500 update: Double As has about $8500 in chips. Men the Master is still to his right and he's now drinking Coronas.
8:30pm... Jeff from Rants of a Young Mind called me for a dial-a-shot and wanted to say how fucked up it was that I can't roam the tables for more than five minutes. Thanks for the support buddy!
8:35pm... Irishman Andy Black busted two guys when he had A-A. He beat out K-Q and A-Q. He's got $400K now.
8:40pm... Round 3 & 4 of the Darden-Juanda fight... were both won by Paul Darden. Juanada knocked down to less than $100K. I heard that Olga Varkonyi, wife of the 2002 Champion Robert Varkonyi has $181K in chips. Lee Watkinson has $420K in chips. A few folks in media row asked for Phil Ivey's chip counts. Otis responded "I can't get a count, but he ceratinly has chips."
8:45 pm... Guest Post: Hello, everyone! This is BJ from Card Player. I was "helping" Pauly with his spelling, and he asked me if I wanted to do the reports. I'd love to! He has much more freedom than I do!
8:50pm... Recent Bust outs: 285 players remain. Barbara Enright is out. The following players won $21,070:
349 Fred Badger9:13pm... Johnny Grooms announced that there are 6 female players remianing. Let's hope one makes the final table!
348 Steven Hahn
347 Brian Decatur
346 Barry Schwartz
345 Alexander Jagdick
344 Raymond Yee
343 Andrew Wyn
342 Hilbert Shirey
341 Kaway Chewing
340 Jonah Seewald
339 Daniel Clegg
338 Frank "Spike" ballas
337 Sunny Camper
336 Clint Kreitzmeier
335 Gregory Amoils
334 Andrew Neister
333 Brad Opsahl
332 Matthew Hilger
331 Russell Barnes
330 Jon Finkel
329 William Derrick
328 Adam Joens
327 Jared Gilpin
326 Matthew Turner
325 Anthony Williams
324 Robert O'Brien
323 Richard Lowe
322 Jon Smith
321 David Hickman
320 Phillip Campbell
319 Kenneth Gregerson
318 Duncan Bell
317 Thuan Hu Bui
316 Sammy arha
315 Michael Deubel
314 Hakan Waerstand
313 Kirk Schnieder
312 Jeffrey Flannery
311 James Sabinas
310 Jason Arau
309 Daniel Sallam
308 Lurent Wigniec
307 Robert Chasen
306 Tim Gillig
305 Aram Zerounian
304 Michael Leslie
303 David Mogard
302 Corey Cheresnick
301 Paul Zimbles
The next group of bust out won $24,365:
300 Klaus Agesen
299 William Frymer
298 Jay Goldenberg
297 John Letts
296 Iwan Jones
295 Chirstopher Hamlyn
294 Andrew arrett
293 Farzad Rouhani
292 Peter Campo
291 Jerri Thomas
290 David Zeitlan
289 John Parkel

9:25pm... Featured Table update: Jesse Martin is a 25 year old from Massachusettes. He has a $150K in chips. He's wearing a freakin' Phish shirt! He told me, "Nice hat!" he lives in NYC now and his friends are sweating him. The shirt belonged to his friend. One of them helped build the stage at Keyspan Park in Brooklyn for the two show run last June. Good to see some heads.
9:27pm... When did the WSOP turn into a Party Poker multi? There are 272 players left. Insane.
9:30pm... $1500 NL update: 96 players are left. Double as has $14K in chips.
9:40pm... Players are on a break. When action resumes, we'll be at Level 16. Blinds are $2K/$4K with $500 antes. Players are racing off $100 chips.
10:00pm... Johnny Grooms told us that 99% this will be the last round. Action should end a little after Midnight.
10:10pm... Featured Table update: Howard Lederer and Joe Beevers are here.
10:15pm... $1500 NL update: Double As is now up to $18.8K.
10:22pm... 263 players remaining. I need to take a quick piss break. Be back in 15 minutes.
10:45pm... $1500 NL update: Double As moved up to $24K in chips. H eraised in EP and at the cutoff some guy moved all in. Double As called with the Hilton Sisters. He beat out pocket eights and busted that guy. He now has $40K.
10:50pm... Recent Bustouts: 2005 Omaha Hi/Lo bracelt winner Pat Poels has been eliminated. 250 players remain.
11:oopm... Raymer cracked Kiings with pocket Aces and he's almost got $1 million in chips. Rod Pardley has over $1 million and is the chip leader.
11:04pm... 240 players remain. Howard Lederer has $448K after he doubled up with 9-9 and flopped a set.
11:15pm... Recent Bustouts: The Grinder, Paul McKinney & Olga Varkonyi. Olga was bad beated when her A-K ran into A-8. 231 players are left.
11:20pm... Recent Bustouts:
The following players went home winning $24,365.11:30pm... 227 players remain. Wow!
288 Andrew Parker
287 Yong In Park
286 Barbara Enright
285 Ryan Del Portes
284 Eric Miller
283 Robert E. Fikac
282 Anahit Galajian
281 Russell Prentice
280 Leonard Feinzaig
279 James Jordan
278 William Kamarek
277 Douglas Morgan
276 Robert Ciaffone
275 Peter Lawson
274 Jean-Phillipe Prquette
273 Champie DOuglas
272 Marcello Colosimo
271 Anthony C Argila
270 William McKinney (2005 Seniors bracelet winner)
269 Stephen Allen
268 Nathan Kent
267 Eamon Grimes
266 Anders Rosancher
265 Barry Neville
264 Allan Colon
263 Carl Olson
262 Kevin Mason
261 Corlan Chinn
The following players won $28,375
260 Hung Tran
259 John Hutchinson
258 Norbert Holting
257 David Claiborne
256 Harry Varisco
255 Dat Tnien Ly
254 Thomas Locke
253 Pat Poels (2005 WSOP Omaha Hi/Lo bracelet winner)
252 Sol Bergen
11:42pm... 221 players left. Fossilman is up to $1.2 million.
11:45pm... Gary Bush and Mark Napolitano is out. 217 players left.
11:59pm... $1500 NL update: Double As has over $49.5K. He made the money and still has Men the Master and his Corona to his right. Erik Seidel still remains.
12:03am... 214 players left. 5 minutes left in this level. The players will go on a ten minute break then return to play for one hour. Lederer told me has $554K in chips.
12:20am... Level 17 begins. We'll only play a half of this level and quit. Blinds are $2,500/$5000 with $500 antes.
12:23am... Recent Bustouts:
All of these players won $28,375:12:30am... 203 players remain.
251 Jack Eachus
250 Ugury Marganoz
249 William Borsellino
248 Martin Morales
247 John Rom
246 David Icke
245 Shun Tang Tsai
244 Gregory D. Blau
243 Jesus Abreu
242 Joseph Chee
241 Edouart Cardeno
240 Michael W. Chow
239 Daniel Cormier
238 Olga VArkonyi
237 Michael O'Malley
236 Mats Rahmn
235 John falconer
234 Emanuel Failla
233 Rehne Pederson
232 Chris Legget
231 Michael Davis
The following players won $33,197:
230 The Grinder
229 Sal Cataldo
228 Jesse Martin
227 Daniel Grolemund
226 Thomas Madsen
225 Eric Mifune
224 Alen Patatanyan
223 Sarah Casey
222 Mark Napoliatano
221 Thomas Vinas
220 Aaron Kline
219 Garry Bush
218 Jenes Koertmann
217 Edgar Skjervold
216 Scott Bohlman
215 Renee Wexler
12:36am... Mike Matusow and Greg Raymer are now at the same table. Mike is very loud, boisterous, and rowdy! Go figure, he's got the ESPN cameras on him.
12:40am... $1500 NL update: Erik Seidel and Marcel Luske are still in the mix. Double As has $68K now.
12:50am... Featured Table update: Jason Lester joined Lederer and Joe Beever's table. 32 minutes left. 196 players remain.
12:55am... Recent Bustout: Minneapolis Jim Meehan was busted. See you at the bar Jim. Layne Flack is also going home.
1:18am... 188 players are left.
1:23pm... Action is done for today. Play will resume at Noon on Tuesday. 185 players remaining.
1:27pm... $1500 NL update: Double As is kicking ass. He's got $105K now.
1:33pm... Recent Bustouts:
All of these players won $33,197:See everyone tomorrow.
214 James Pittmann
213 Leando Alvarez
212 Dennis Orr
211 Graeme Harrison
210 Samuel Ling
209 Daniel Burns
208 Jeffrey Taylor
207 Joshua Ewing
206 Tuyen Luong
205 Chris Stull
204 Christopher Bush
203 Mikael Hogborn
202 Neil Channing
201 David Silverman
200 Andreas Oskarsson
199 Ross Mallor
198 Jani Sointola
197 Gang Huang
196 Denis Ethier (2005 WSOP Stud Hi/Lo bracelet winner)
195 Minneapolis Jim Meehan
194 Layne Flack
193 David Rheem
192 Kenny Tran
191 james Peera
190 Daniel Quach
189 Joel Merwick
188 Gregory Fondacaro
187 Cliff Pappas
186 James Barber
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