I was wicked hungover when I taped my interview with Sean & Brent on Saturday afternoon for the Lord Admiral Card Club Radio Show and Podcast. If you don't know by now, it's the best podcast dedicated to poker in the universe.
Over the last few months, I've become a huge cult figure in Canada thanks to Cinci Sean & Brent Stacks. As always, I'm happy to be a part of their amazing show. Sean and Brent are working hard every week to get their podcast done (for free) so stop by and show your support.
You can download the MP3 of this week's show... Episode of 37: Here. (Right Click and Save As)
We discuss a bunch of things in a Q&A including the Redneck Riviera, what casinos in Las Vegas I've been playing at over the last few weeks, and a run down of strip clubs I've attended. The Poker Prof was also interviewed live from LA.
If you want to catch up and listen to previous episodes, please visit their archives over at Brainscat. Stop by Card Club at Lord Admiral Radio and download the extra nuggets that Sean posts during the middle of the week. Thanks again to Sean and Stacks for having me on.
Updated Blogroll
I finally got around to updating the blogroll on the left hand side of this here poker blog. If you have a new blog and I missed ya, shoot me an email. I've been very lazy updating my blog roll. I will do my best to get you up there. Here are the last 12 additions:
Eva Can HangBy the way how about some more pimpage? Every ten days or so, I'm gonna post the Top 10 Referrals to my poker blog. It's my way of saying, "Thanks for the hits!" So here you go...
Amy Calistri
Foiled Coup
Obie's VIP
Fish Soup
Mike's Poker Blog
Poker Gimp
Anna aka College Poker Girl
Ornate Push
Fat Dan
Donkey Bait
Top 10 Referrals in the Last Week:Thanks again guys. On Wednesday I hope to post an installment of Existentialist Conversations with Strippers. On Friday, I'll review a DVD.
1. Las Vegas and Poker Blog (Flip Chip & Poker Prof)
2. Guinness and Poker (Iggy)
3. Up for Poker (CJ, Otis, & G-Rob)
4. Aaron Gleeman
5. Tao of Pauly
6. Poker Grub (Grubby)
7. Double As
8. A Chick and A Chair (Joanne)
9. The Cards Speak (HDouble)
10. One 2 Many(Bobby Bracelet)
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You should be reading... The Fat Guy.
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