Las Vegas, NV

Michalski showed up at the Rio again for like the third day in a row. He's approaching Lou Gehrig-type Ironhorse numbers with his appearances at the WSOP. Anyway, since he was here, we recorded two quickie TOC-related podcasts.
Episode 44: TOC Rubbernecking - Dan showed up to the Rio super early for a Sunday just in case the the DOJ decided to bust Full Tilt honchos Howard Lederer and Jesus Ferguson. I compared his morbid fascination of the potential perp walk to watching a NASCAR race in order to see a big wreck.If you'd like to listen to more episodes of your favorite and fastest poker podcast (broadcasting live from the WSOP), then you should visit the Tao of Pokerati archives.
Episode 45: TOC End of Day 1 - Dan and Pauly recap the brief events of Day 1 of the TOC, and the slight confusion surrounding the change in schedule.
You link for 44 is really episode 45.
ReplyDeleteFixed. Thanks.