Las Vegas, NV

Michalski and Benjo recorded a couple of episodes at the Rio when I was off campus celebrating a friend's birthday. Check them out...
Episode 37: Benjo Busting with Benjo - After weeks of watching poker, Benjo can't resist the urge to play and signs up for the $100 11 pm "brogdig" tournament. We learn first that Benjo is actually a very weak player. And then we learn he's been doing some undercover reporting at the cash tables, where he learns that the Rio occasionally has an overaggressive rake.If you'd like to listen to more episodes of your favorite and fastest poker podcast (broadcasting live from the WSOP), then you should visit the Tao of Pokerati archives.
Episode 38: Jerry Buss's iPhone with Benjo - When LA Lakers owner Jerry Buss comes to Las Vegas to celebrate his National Championship by playing the $10k HORSE, he needs a little juice for his iPhone, which Benjo graciously supplies. He doesn't try to hawk it though, instead seeing a long-term plan complete with courtside tickets and the digits of multiple barely legal vixens.
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