By Pauly
Los Angeles, CA
Here are a few items of note...
Nolan Dalla is one of my favorite people in the poker industry. When he says something, I listen. And when he writes something, I always read his words. He recently outlined the culprits in DC who have been cock-blocking the legalization of online poker. And it's not exactly those self-righteous bible thumpers on the Religious Right, rather someone who you would never think would be against us.... Legal Online Poker's Biggest Obstacle: Nanny Democrats. (Poker News Daily)
Since we're on the topic of the future of online poker, this piece from an old buddy of mine, Bill Rini, is worth a read... Is Online Poker Really Doing Well? (Bill's Poker Blog)
Thanks to Otis, who tipped me off to Subterranean home of Las Vegas's losers, an article about scores of homeless people who have found alternative places to live during the lean times in America's gambling Mecca. I hope they don't get eaten by the CHUDs. (
For all of you Isabelle Mercier fans (ahem, Mean Gene), she recently announced that she's parting ways with PokerStars. There were rumors over the last year or so that her sponsorship was in jeopardy, so when she left on her own account and declined a contract renewal, a lot of eyebrows were raised (mine included) and wondered if that's just the cover story and in reality she was fired. As it turns out, Isabelle is now the pitch woman for BetClick (or BetClic). Originally an online casino and sports book founded in France, BetClick moved operations to the UK. They opened up an online poker room and the lovely Isabelle will be their pitchwoman. I took a peek at BetClick and noticed that you can wager on Team Handball. Wow, I'm gonna sign up as an affiliate and rake in millions getting inbred retards in America to wager ungoldy sums of money on obscure Scandi sports. (PokerListings)

One of my favorite pics of Isabelle from Flipchip circa 2005 WSOP
If you play poker in Las Vegas or were curious about the skinny involving bad beat jackpots and other live poker room promotions, then you should read Jackpots, Freerolls, & Promos--Nuts, Bolts, & Comments. (All Vegas Poker)
Good luck to Travis. He's the chipleader in a Stud event the Borgata Poker Open. Final table is on Thursday. (Borgata Poker Blog)
One of my hobbies and favorite creative outlets is taking photos. I have several galleries on Flickr that chronicled my travels and hijinks over the years. If you really dig through the archives, you might even find a photo or two of the elusive Change100. Anyway, I checked my stats the other day and was surprised to learn about my the five most popular photos. Three of them involved marijuana, one included bestiality, and the fifth? Chocolate chip pancakes. Click here to read more about the Top 5 Pauly Pics in a post titled Marijuana, Horse Sex, and Chocolate Chip Pancakes. (Tao of Pauly & Flickr).
Original content written and provided by Pauly from Tao of Poker at All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only.
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