I wrote two articles this week and both were accepted. 2 for 2. And I just got paid for one of them. God bless wire transfers from Holland! I'm in the middle of writing the third, a book review which I hope to be done by tonight.
Last night, after both my favorite basketball teams lost (UNC and the Knicks), I played online at Empire Poker for five straight hours. I was working off a $150 bonus. I had to play over 1000 raked hands to qualify. It took almost a week and I'm done. I got a free $150. Whooo hooo! Free money. That's the equivalent to a one-way ticket from NYC to Las Vegas. Empire just paid for half my trip.
I also made a few dollars in the process of working off the bonus while I watched Spaceman play in a multi with a $350K prize pool. He made the money and took 48th. Good job, dude.
Before I crashed I wrote for an hour. Some of my best work happens between the hours of 3am and 5am. Go figure. This past month I switched my writing schedule so I could wake up and do my usual two hours (my own workout) and then I would spend the mid afternoon writing or doing research on freelance articles. I couldn't sleep and woke up early to write and read through a few new books that arrived this morning. One of them was Super System 2.

Texas Dolly
Of course, I was too damn busy to start reading SS2, but I skimmed through a few pages. Too bad it's too big. I won't lug that fucker on a plane to Miami with me.
As I am writing this post, I am seriously mutlitasking.... playing poker online at Party Poker, with Dawson's Creek on in the background and sitting on the couch in all forms of dishabille. TBS is airing one of the initial episodes from the first season of The Creek. Anyway, here's what BG sent me in an IM about my all-time favorite TV crush... Katie Holmes:
although there's something almost embarrassing about those high waisted pants, she's awful cuteYeah, BG had the day off and I just outed him for watching Dawson's Creek.
I admit... my name is Pauly. I am a compulsive gambler, alcoholic, and sex fiend. The only TV shows I watch are... The OC, Dawson's Creek, and Degrassi. I have this weakness for the way Canadian girls say the word "sorry" and "about". Especially when they call me up late at night and... ah I'll save that story for my other blog!
Lastly, I must say that my best thoughts go out to my good friend Iggy. They had to bury his best friend's wife yesterday and he's stuck in the middle of a dark patch of life. Hang tough, brother. Untimely deaths make you realize that life is so much more important than poker, blogs, and being flamed by purblind bucolics. I talked to him and suggested that he take a week or so off to just get his space together and live a little. Poker will always be there. Life won't.
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