Las Vegas, MV

Photo by Gene Bromberg
I'm super busy with WSOP meetings and other stuff, but for now, masticate on this hump day link dump...
Liv Boeree is the real deal, eh? Liv outlasted a massive field of Franco-Italian-Eurodonks to win her first major at the PokerStars EPT San Remo. How long before the British bombshell ditches UB and signs a deal with Stars? Or how long until UB locks her up to a multi-year deal? (PokerStars Blog)That's it for now, so get the hell out of my office.
The length of baseball games seems to be a touchy subject these days. Hunter Thompson tackled the subject ten years ago in one of my favorite pieces called Baseball has become unruly, where Hunter calls for the elimination of the pitcher (inserting a robot instead) to speed up games. (ESPN)
Happy 6th Birthday to Pokerati! It's been a remarkable run,e specially over the last couple of years. Let's hope there are six more years left (for the both of us). (Pokerati)
Volcano Eyjafjallajokull managed to strike doom over the weekend. The plumes of smoke and ash stranded a Yank who couldn't play in the Sunday Million. (Melted Felt)
Shamus is heading to the dcotor's today but before his appointment, he sounded off on my Monday post in A Metaphysical Check Up. (Short-Stacked Shamus)
Amusing Ourselves to Death is a wake up call. Thanks to the Joker for pointing it out. If you're a fan of either George Orwell or Aldous Huxley, then it's a must read. (Recombinant Records)
I'm gushing over the new series Treme which takes place in New Orleans three months post-Katrina. (Tao of Pauly)
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