Las Vegas, NV

Brand new episodes of your quickest poker podcast are here for your listening pleasure to kill time while you wait for the weekend to arrive. Dan and Pauly discuss Matt Savage's new gig, while Benjo returns with commentary on two massages girls.
Episode 28: World Matt Savage Tour - One of the bigger non-WSOP stories this week involved Matt Savage, who was just named Executive Tour Director of the WPT. Michalski does an amazing job kissing up to Matt in this episode.If you'd like to listen to more episodes of your favorite and fastest poker podcast (broadcasting live from the WSOP), then you should visit the Tao of Pokerati archives.
Episode 29: Massage Girls Rubbing Massage Girls with Benjo - I followed Benjo into the Poker Kitchen and noticed a couple of massage girls sitting two tables away. One of them was working on the forearm and elbow of the other. I usually have to pay two women to tough themselves in front of me. We got a free show.
Massage Girls Rubbing Massage Girls ....... don't know where to start but shit yeah!