By Pauly
Las Vegas, NV
The first significant final table of the WSOP is about to kick off shortly on an extremely busy day that features the final table of Event #3 Omaha 8, the second flight of the Donkulus, and the Main Event Champions Freeroll.
Event #2 40K NL - Day 4 & Final TableOne of those nine players will win the 40th Anniversary bracelet. Stay tuned for live updates.
Remaining Players: 9
Total Players: 201
Prize Pool: $7,718,400
Final Table Seating Assignments:
Seat 1: Ted Forrest
Seat 2: Noah Schwartz
Seat 3: Alec Torelli
Seat 4: Isaac Haxton
Seat 5: Greg Raymer
Seat 6:Justin Bonomo
Seat 7: Lex Veldhuis
Seat 8: Dani 'Ansky' Stern
Seat 9: Vitaly Lunkin
End of Day 3 Chip Counts:
1 Isaac Haxton - 5,955,000
2 Vitaly Lunkin - 4,565,000
3 Lex Veldhuis - 3,805,000
4 Greg Raymer - 3,345,000
5 Alec Torelli - 2,340,000
6 Justin Bonomo - 1,685,000
7 Dani 'Ansky' Stern - 1,300,000
8 Noah Schwartz - 660,000
9 Ted Forrest - 560,000
Final Table Payouts:
1 - $1,891,012
2 - $1,168,566
3 - $774,927
4 - $548,315
5 - $413,166
6 - $329,730
7 - $277,940
8 - $246,834
9 - $230,317
Ironically, I'm the chip leader at the final table of a private tournament hosted by Wil Wheaton. We both made the final table and I knocked him out in 7th place when my nines held up against his A-10. I actually finished in 5th place. At the final table, I ran into Aces three times and lost to quad Queens. Yet somehow, I managed to finished in 5th. Thanks for hosting Wil, and thanks for the kind words on your blog.
2:01pm... Final table has been delayed as ESPN's crew sets everything up. A waitress was spotted handing out free beef jerky to the final table players. Greg Raymer snagged a bag. I felt pretty jealous so I headed to the media room for a few bag of Steak Nuggets. I know that you're jealous. MeanGene and I are gonna start running a beef jerky racket and sell the free samples that I get in the media room. Black market jerky. Sometimes, I love Las Vegas.
Photo by Benjo
So MeanGene and I drafted final table players for a prop bet...
Team Pauly: Haxton, Raymer, asnky, Zee JustinPoor Noah was the odd man out looks like he'll win the entire fuckin' thing!
MeanGene: Lex, Lunkin, Torelli, Tedd Forrest.
2:50pm... Cards in the air!
After an expected delay (TV tables are notoriously late to start), Jack Effel recycled the story about how the 40K came to be. His lovely wife suggested a 40K buy-in for the 40th Anniversary of the WSOP. Anyway, I'm investigating the rumor that the winner of today's event secures both a bracelet and a year's supply of beef jerky.
Be sure to listen to the latest episode of Tao of Pokerati featuring a cameo from Benjo! We discuss the final table for 40K NL and stray off topic and discuss the Frenchies recent trips to strip clubs.
Tao of Pokerati
Episode 11.8: $40K Final Table Dance (4:25)
3:23pm... Bonomo 1, Raymer 0
Event #2 40K NL - Final Table
Remaining Players: 9 out of 201
Prize Pool: $7,718,400
Chipleaders: Isaac Haxton
Shorties: Ted Forrest
Not much to report. There was only one flop through the first dozen hands.
And then we had our first potential elimination when Justin Bonomo was all in pre-flop against Greg Raymer. Justin held A-J versus Raymer's A-8. Raymer's hand did not improve and Justin doubled up to almost 3M.
3:38pm... Ansky Doubles; Ted Forrest Eliminated in 9th place ($230,317)
Event #2 40K NL - Final Table
Remaining Players: 8 out of 201
Prize Pool: $7,718,400
Chipleaders: Isaac Haxton
Busto: Ted Forrest
We had another all in with Ansky fighting for his tournament life. All in preflop. Lex called with Ac-Kc vs. Ansky's Ad-Js. By the turn Ansky picked up a flush draw. Although he missed on the river, he won the pot when a Jack spiked. Ansky doubled up. The Dutch press was rooting for their hometown hero, Lex, and they were pissed when Ansky rivered the jack. "Donk-a-shame!" they screamed.
On the nexthand, the two short stacks battled. Ted Forrest was all in with Jh-10d vs. Noah Schwartz's pocket trey's. Noah's treys held and Forrest eliminated in 9th place ($230,317).
3:52pm... Noah Schwartz eliminated in 8th place ($246,834)
Event #2 40K NL - Final Table
Remaining Players: 7 out of 201
Prize Pool: $7,718,400
Chipleaders: Isaac Haxton
Busto: Noah Scwartz
Short stacked Noah Schwartz moved all in w/ A-K against Greg Raymer's A-A. Raymer's Aces held up despite getting them cracked twice yesterday. Noah Schwartz headed to the rail in 8th place. Down to 7 with Haxton still the chipleader.
3:57pm... Raymer 1, Haxton 0
Event #2 40K NL - Final Table
Remaining Players: 7 out of 201
Prize Pool: $7,718,400
Chipleaders: Vitaly Lunkin
Isaac Haxton was all in with pocket Jacks vs. Greg Raymer's 6-6 on a flop of 9-6-5. Raymer's set held and he doubled up versus the chipleader. Raymer doubled up and Haxton still retained the lead despite the hit.
4:20pm... Smoke Break, Champions Invitational Annoucements, Fossilman = Chipleader
Event #2 40K NL - Final Table
Remaining Players: 7 out of 201
Prize Pool: $7,718,400
Chipleader: Greg Raymer
Shortie: Alec Torelli
The 40K NL is on an extended break.
Greg Raymer is the new chipleader with 6.4M. The Russian is not far behind in second place. Action was paused while all eyes in the Amazon Ballroom were focused on Jeffrey Pollack announcing the former Main Event champions. Jesus, Scotty Nguyen and Doyle Brunson got the loudest ovations.
Amarillo Slim played but Russ Hamilton obviously was not there.

Photo by Mean Gene
Peter Eastgate is currently AWOL. Nicholas Levi, a French pro on Team Winamax, knows Eastgate and called him to find out his whereabouts.
Anyway, the winner of the Champions Invitational gets a free car. No cash. But they also get a Binion's Cup. That would be cool to have on your mantle. Props to Greg Raymer for focusing on the 40K NL bracelet event instead of this PR freeroll.
Today's smoke break is brought to you by PokerStars...

And since it's 4:20pm... I want to let all the Phisheads out there know that I'm also live blogging the set list of Phish's epic show at Fenway Park in Boston. Head over to Coventry Music Blog for set list info and live updates of Phish in Fenway. Thanks to my boys Kid Dynamite and G-Rob for the set list info.
5:20pm... Lex 'RaSZi' Veldhuis eliminated in 7th place ($277,940)
Event #2 40K NL - Final Table
Remaining Players: 6 out of 201
Prize Pool: $7,718,400
Chipleader: Greg Raymer
Shortie: Alec Torelli
Busto: Lex 'RaSZi' Veldhuis
The Dutch Pro Lex, also known as Evelyn Ng's boyfriend, was one of the short stacks. He was all in with Ad-7d all in vs. Raymers Kc-Ks. Rayner's Cowboys hold up. Raymer runs good. Down to 7.
5:36pm... Alec Torelli Eliminated in 6th place ($329,730)
Event #2 40K NL - Final Table
Remaining Players: 5 out of 201
Prize Pool: $7,718,400
Chipleader: Greg Raymer
Shortie: Ansky
Short-stacked Alec Torelli was all in with Ah-2h vs. Isaac Haxton's As-10d. Haxton's hand held up. Torelli busted in 6th. Down to five.
Over in the Champions Invitational, Jamie Gold was the first player to bust out. Fitting said Benjo that he'd be the first world champion to head to the rail.
6:15pm... Ruskie Chip Leader; Omaha Final Table Set
Event #2 40K NL - Final Table
Remaining Players: 5 out of 201
Prize Pool: $7,718,400
Chipleader: Vitaly Lunkin
Shortie: Ansky
It's true. The Ruskie, aka Vitaly Lunkin, has taken over the chip lead from Greg Raymer. Aside from that, not much else has happened in the last hour or so.
Over in the Omaha event, Sebastian Ruthenberg bubbled off the final table in 10th place. A final table of nine is set.
Seat 1: Ming Reslock
Seat 2: Jordan Rich
Seat 3: Pascal Leyo
Seat 4: Ed Smith
Seat 5: Freddy Deeb
Seat 6: Senovio Ramirez
Seat 7: Thang Luu
Seat 8: Robert Price
Seat 9: Jim Gear
6:15pm... Dani 'Ansky' Stern Doubles Through Fossilman
Event #2 40K NL - Final Table
Remaining Players: 5 out of 201
Prize Pool: $7,718,400
Chipleader: Vitaly Lunkin
Short-stacked Ansky moved all in with As-10h. Greg Raymer called with 7s-7d and led until Ansky spiked a ten on the river to double up to almost 420K.
ZeeJustin has been rather quiet. Just sayin'.
6:50pm... ZeeJustin = ZeeGone; Eliminated in 5th Place
Event #2 40K NL - Final Table
Remaining Players: 4 out of 201
Prize Pool: $7,718,400
Chipleader: Isaac Haxton
Cooler. Justin Bonomo was all in with J-J against Isaac Haxton's A-A. Aces hold. Bonomo eliminated in 5th ($413,166)
We're down to the final four. Ansky. The Ruskie. Fossilman. Haxton.
7:27pm... Moneymaker Eliminated from Champions Freeroll
Event #2 40K NL - Final Table
Remaining Players: 4 out of 201
Prize Pool: $7,718,400
Chipleader: Greg Raymer
Over in the Champions Invitational, Chris Moneymaker was the last player to bust. He went out in 19th place. No car for Moneymaker. Down to 18 with Carlos Mortensen the chipleader.
Greg Raymer regained the chiplead after he flopped the Wheel with 5d-2d! Gotta love that Raymer was open-raising with Gus Hansen hands. The Ruskie is not far behind and also has 8M plus.
7:50pm... Dinner Break
Event #2 40K NL - Final Table
Remaining Players: 4 out of 201
Prize Pool: $7,718,400
Chipleader: Greg Raymer
The final four players are currently on a dinner break. Action resumses around 9:20pm.
7:50pm... Ansky Eliminated in 4th Place ($548,315); Greg Raymer Eliminated 3rd Place ($774,927)
Event #2 40K NL - Final Table
Remaining Players: 2 out of 201
Prize Pool: $7,718,400
Shortly after the dinner break, Ansky took a big hit when Isaac Haxton doubled up with a flush. Ansky busted out shortly after when his Q-10 lost to Haxton's Big Slick. Down to three players. Greg Raymer has a slight chiplead, but the remainign two... Haxton and Vitaly... all have similar sized stacks.
Just when it looked like action was going to slow down, there was another all in preflop. Haxton's 9-9 was ahead of Raymer's 5-5. Haxton's nines held and Raymer was dunzo.
Down to two players. The Ruskie and Haxton with Haxton holding the obvious chip advantage. with 16M to 7M.
Champions Invitational
Remaining Players: 16
Amarillo Slim was the last player to bust out in 17th place to a warm applause when his name was announced over the PA. According to Oliver Tse's twitter feed, Jerry Yang, busted out in 18th place when his Aces were snapped off by Scotty Nguyen's Queens.
11:44pm... 11 Champions Sitting on a Wall
Champions Invitational
Remaining Players: 11
Total Prize Pool: Just a car and a cup
And they're down to 11 players vying for the sweet car and the Binion Cup. Johnny Chan was the latest casualty as he headed to the rail in 12th when he ran into Jim Bechtel's pocket Aces. Jesus left the building in 13th and Scotty succummed in 14th place. Brad Daughtery was eliminated in 15th place. Daugherty is not the former UNC hoops player but the pro who wrote several books with TJ CLoutier. Obviously they were poker startegy books and NOT craps strategy books. Of Course, if I wrote a craps Strategy book, it would be one page cotaining two sentences... "The major key to NOT being a losing player in craps? Don't play."
Event #2 40K NL - Final Table
Remaining Players: 2 out of 201
Prize Pool: $7,718,400
26 hands of heads up play? Slow. Tedious. Haxton had almost a 2 to 1 lead to start, but the Ruskie chipped away within ten hands. He picked up a few small pots until he took over the chiplead on Hand #120.
12:11am.... Back-to-Back Luu
Congrats to Thang Luu for winning a bracelet in Event #3 $1,500 Omaha 8. He won the same event in 2008, and in 2007, Luu finished in second place in a $2,000 Omaha event. Talk about an amazing feat in the last three years. Fear Thang Luu. Can Luu threepeat in 2010?
Champions Invitational
Remaining Players: 10
Chipleader: Carlos Mortensen
Shortie: Phil Hellmuth
With Joe Hachem's elimination in 11th place, the final table is set. Action will resume at 3pm tomorrow. Winner gets a little red Corvette.
12:31am.... Bouncin?
I took a walk aound the Amazon Ballroom. The cash games are spilling over from the red section into the orange section. After all those broke-dicks busted out of the Donkulus, they headed straight to the cash games. Wasn't that the evil master plan all along? Churn 'em and burn 'em. Scarf Boy aka German pro George Danzer is playing nearby.
The Donkulus is on the verge of finishing up. The board lists 400 players but that number is a little lower. They will return tomorrow along with the 376 who survived Day 1A.
1:20am.... Swings and Swings; Ruskie Runs Good
Event #2 40K NL - Final Table
Remaining Players: 2 out of 201
Prize Pool: $7,718,400
Just when it looked like the Ruskie was on the verge of winning his first bracelet, Isaac Haxton caught some timely magic. He doubled through Lunkin when he snapped off Aces with K-10 to take lead. Yeah, he rivered a ten to double up and re-take the lead. Lunkin got it right back when he rivered a flush two hands later. The Ruskie has over 18M to Haxton's 6M.
Oh, and happy 4:20 to all of my East Coast readers.
1:34am... Vitaly Lunkin Wins $40K NL Bracelet
Event #2 40K NL - Final Table
Remaining Players: 1 out of 201
Prize Pool: $7,718,400
After a grueling heads-up match, we have a winner.... Vitaly Lunkin. Wait, who the hell is that guy?
Well, the guy I referred to as the Ruskie, Vitaly Lunkin, won the $40K NL bracelet and $1,891,012 for first place. Unfortunately, Isaac Haxton bused out in a disappointing 2nd place and collected $1,168,566. Not a bad pay day for a runner-up.
With the completion of the final table, the live blog is closed. Thanks for following along. I'll be back tomorrow for more live updates. Stay tuned for a Day 5 recap which I'll start writing as soon as I get home.
Original content written and provided by Pauly from Tao of Poker at All rights reserved. RSS feeds are for non-commercial use only.