"It's my big dick and I say when we roll!" - Dirk Diggler, Boogie Nights

We analyzed it all day at the Bellagio in the Fontana Room. The reaction is mixed. I found the link on this thread over at Neverwin Poker. Even The Poker Prof wrote something about the porn rumors, as did the guys over at Wicked Chops.
There's one phrase that has been on everyone's mind... "Is that really David Williams? And did he really jizz on that chick's foot?"
It doesn't matter at this point... to jizz or not to jizz.
Even if it's proven that the kid in the "young black ass-worship slaves" video is not David Williams, and just a near identical amateur porn star who happens to look a lot like David Williams... the damage has been done.
Or maybe not.
This could end up being amazing publicity for Williams. After all, his story has been blowing up all over the internet like a case of the crabs at Tara Ried's Fourth of July beach party.
I still don't think it's him. Here's why... I just can't bring myself to accept the fact that someone who used to play in Magic the Gathering tournaments could actually shoot a porn video. There, I said it. Geeks are not porn star material.
Editor's Note: I'm getting a slew of emails telling me that it's David Williams and that this foot fetish video is old news. It's been circulating in the Magic community for a few years and even last year this video resurfaced. For some reason this has been a hot topic this weekend.
Speaking of porn, one sleazy guy that's been hanging around the Fontana Room offered Steve Hall $10,000 to be in a porno.
"I'd do it for free. Just for the sex," admitted Steve Hall in his classy British accent.

By the time I arrived at the Bellagio, I had written an article, hiked through Red Rock Canyon, took almost a hundred photos, and watched the Rangers get their ass spanked by the Devils in the first round of the NHL playoffs. I was exhausted, so I hit the hooker bar right away for a welcomed energy boost. The bartender that Spaceman and I had been greasing all week, was not working. It was his day off.
Since action of Day 5 of the WPT Championship was reduced to eight tables, security allowed spectators to enter the Fontana Room and watch the action unfold. Railbirds flocked and stood four and five people deep. Whenever a player would move all in, the media would swarm over the table and scribble down the hands. I sat in the corner and tried to utilize the zoom on my camera to spot any high quality female talent on the rail.
The tournament staff limited access to the floor. If you had a "Day Pass" press badge that meant you had the same access as a spectator... nothing. I was pleased by their decision. Why let a bunch of flunkies tool around inside the ropes? The spectators were trying to snap photos and begging pros for autographs and pictures, something that had been going on all week. I saw Scott Fischman posing for a few photos.
"How many picture requests do you get a day?" I asked.
Without looking me in the eye he muttered, "Too many."
Flipchip came by to shoot some more pics and I asked him to focus on the chicks. He told me that he played in a tournament the night before at Sam's Town and he ran into a fan of the Tao of Poker. He told him that I'd be at the Bellagio and sure enough, Tommy showed up. He sent me an email last summer giving me a heads up on a special Jerry Day celebration at Wild Wild West Casino, which was across the street from where I lived at the Redneck Riviera. He offered to buy me and Spaceman a drink at the hooker bar. We quickly accepted. Thanks again Tommy and shoot me an email when you get the chance.
Heck, if you can get pros to buy you drinks, getting fans to do it is just as good.
Just after 4:20pm, the faint aroma of dank nugs made its way through the Bellagio which meant that Brett Jungblut was making a rare appearance inside a casino instead of playing online and yanking tubes all day.
71 players started Day 5 and only 19 would survive. I expected one of the big sharks to make it to Day 6. I was wrong. Phil Hellmuth, Johnny Chan, and Doyle Brunson won 5 WSOP Championships and have 29 bracelets in total. However, they only have one WPT victory combined, and that was courtesy of Texas Dolly. If you don't know Doyle Brunson is one of two players with a WPT title and a WSOP Championship. The other is Carlos Mortensen. Anyway, I was rooting for at least one if not two of the sharks to make the final table. I would have loved to see a Hellmuth and Johnny Chan heads up rematch. Alas, it is not going to happen anytime soon.
Johnny Chan, sporting a psychedelic patterned Versace shirt and a lucky orange headed to the rail in 34th place after Chad Brown flopped a full house against him. Doyle Brunson unfortunately ran into pocket Aces and as eliminated in 47th place. Hellmuth was out in 50th place. Of course it was a bad beat when James Van Alstyne called Hellmuth's all in bet with the nut flush draw. Hellmuth flopped a set of 7s and shrieked, "God dammit!" when Van Alstyne made his flush on the turn.
If you found yourself seated at Table 63, you would have pissed your pants. Rhene Pedersen is no slouch. The kid from Denmark won the WPT Bellagio Five Diamond Champion in December. The table also included Norway's Thor Hansen, Vinny Vinh, Phil Hellmuth, my main man Freddy Deeb (with over $1 million in chips) and Chad Brown. I forgot to mention that the hot chick du jour Vanessa Rousso was also at Table 63. Having Hellmuth and a bunch of uncircumcised Europeans at your table is tough enough, but then you throw the hot chick into the mix and you're totally on full blown tilt.

Vanessa Rousso
By the end of the day, the non-porn story involved the two women who are still left. Erica Shoenberg is 7th in chips and Vanessa Rousso is 9th. Erica is a former blackjack whiz and has been tutored by Marcel Luske. Vanessa is a third year law student from Miami. She's 23 years old and likes to talk smack. She even jawed with Texas Dolly who jokingly called her an "wiked witch." Spaceman introduced me to Vanessa's agent/manager. Yep, she's already got representation. Her poker skills were equal to her breath taking looks. Vanessa is not a complete unknown. She cashed in the 2005 WSOP Ladies Event and made the final table of a WSOP circuit event in Atlantic City.
Finish stud boy Patrik Antonius lost nearly his entire stack. He had his Hilton Sisters snapped off by James Van Alstyne's K-10s in one of the largest pots of the entire tournament. Then Antonius lost a coinflip to Vanessa Rousso when his A-K couldn't win a race against Rousso's 10-10. That hand propelled Rousso into the top 10 in chips.
When action resumes at Noon on Sunday, James Van Alstyne will try to protect his chiplead. He was the first player to amass $4 million in chips and he's looking to hold off two players who won events on this season of the WPT. Roland De Wolfe won the WPT Paris at the Aviation Club and just a few weeks again, Victor Ramdin won Foxwoods. He's trying to win back-to-back WPT events which has never happened before. That's like watching a pitcher throw back-to-back no hitters. And Johnny Vander Meer has been dead for almost a decade. Ramdin is 4th in chips and trying to pull off the impossible.
Here's some pics that I took on Day 5. You can click on the photos to see an enlarged view of them.

Moving all in...

Action on Day 5

Johnny Chan and Patrik Antonius' big stack

The Master and His Corona
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