So much has happened since I went on hiatus. Like Katie Holmes had a baby and Tom Cruise ate the placenta. Holy fucknuts, Dawson! If you think online poker is rigged... that entire relationship is freakin' rigged. Did anyone else think that the pregnancy was a fake or was it just me?
Anyway, here's some quick shoutouts to worthy bloggers...
There are two bloggers who won seats to the WSOP after they won the last WSOP WPBT event on Poker Stars. Congrats to Lucko at Poker Cash and Wes at Hunts Vegas Poker. And thanks to Iggy for setting it up and donating his own money to make sure that two seats were awarded.
One of my favorite bloggers, ScurvyDog from Sound of a Suckout won a bracelet race on Full Tilt. Sweet!
The Donkey Hunter won a seat in the main event this weekend too. Good job, bro.
The lovely Jaxia was crowned Miss Texas after she won a FPP Heads-up tourney on Poker Stars for the World Cup of Poker. I got to see her crack aces with 7-4 after she flopped trips. Good girl! She got to represnt the nation of Texas in Team Texas and went 1-1 in her matches.
The Poker Nerd is approaching SuperNova status. I think he'll be the first (and only) blogger to get there.
Stop by April's blog for info on the next blogger event and tournament in Las Vegas, scheduled for July 8th. Click here for info on a group hotel rate at the Castle. I'll be there along with Derek and I'm taking off three days from covering the 2006 WSOP so I can hang out and get shitfaced with all my degenerate friends. If you're lucky, you'll get to play craps at Casino Royale with CJ and me! Here's a list of bloggers who are coming in July.
And then there's Poker Champ. I want to do an interview with him to post here and hopefully he'll accept.
In poker news, WSOP Champion Puggy Pearson passed away last week. I met him during the 2005 WSOP and he was cracking me up. I heard rumors that he was a racist, chauvanist, and a cheater but what I saw was a frail old man with a big smile who lived life and had several great stories. And congrats to Flipchip, who got his Puggy Pearson article mentioned on Fark!
And then there's the online poker legality debate. I should sound off on it, but I'll save that for another post. Lou Kreiger had some thoughts on the matter that you should read.
If you don't know, I won a prop bet against Change100 last weekend. I fear vegetables and she offered me a prop bet. Here's a bit...
Pauly hates vegetables. He hates them in a way that I have never seen a human being hate vegetables before. If any portion of any item in his order contains vegetables, they are picked off. Lettuce and tomato on a burger? Not for Pauly. Bok choy and bamboo shoots in the Chinese food? They'll be removed before he takes a single bite. I've seen him take onions and tomatoes out of pasta because the pieces are too big.In personal news, I got a promotion at Poker Player Newspaper. Stan, the editor, gave me my own column with the topic being online poker. Poker Player Newspaper is bi-monthly and my column should be in every issue starting sometime next month. I will also continue to write features for them and contribute to the online site. I've been writing for Poker Player Newspaper for over a year and I'm pumped that I finally got the column. This will be one of the few freelance gigs that I'm keeping. Thanks to Stan and to the Poker Prof who originally recommended me for the job.
By the end of his first visit to Los Angeles, I hadn't seen a single vegetable pass his lips and proposed a serious prop bet. For $4000, Pauly would have to eat nothing but vegetables for a period of seven days. Potatoes do not count. Tomatoes do not count-- they are a fruit. So are avocados. Dressings would be strictly portioned and rationed. And only water-- no iced tea. Veggies only. I didn't think he'd last beyond 24 hours... More
Moving on...
I have to do some shilling right now. So suck it up. Consider this a "word from our sponsors." Afterall, someone has to cover my poker and stock market loses... although after I complained about getting kicked in the junk by Brasil Telecom, it's up over $1 since Monday. It's up today and was up $0.81 cents yesterday.
I got a couple of bonuses to work off over the next week or so. I had been focusing on grinding away at the tables on Party Poker to re-build the bankroll and clear the bonus. Party still harbors some of the fishiest players around. I've been slumming at 3/6 playing 3 tables at once or playing one or two 5/10 tables, both full ring and 6-max. Beware of the 5/10 short-handed tables... the swings are brutal. Alas, I love the action. I've been dabbling at the 10/20 tables and the players there are just as atrocious as the level of play on the 2/4 tables. Yesterday, I was down 1BB at 10/20 but had a nice hit-and-run session at the 5/10 tables. I also like playing on Party because I don't play under "DrPauly" and have an anonymous screen name.Poker Stars is running WSOP satellites right now. Two of the last three WSOP champions won their main event seats online at Poker Stars. So what are you waiting for?
Party Poker has been offering up random bonuses. You have to log in to see if you are eligible. I got a $100 reload bonus coming my way. Weeeeee.
Full Tilt also has a reload bonus. This one is 50% reload bonus up to $300. You have until April 30th to reload.
Seriously, the cash games on Party Poker are the softest around and have been so for the past few years. I'll be honest with you... I play tournaments on other sites, but I pad my bankroll with the constant poor decision making of the players on Party Poker. I'm hoping I can fleece enough fish, donkeys, emus, koala bears, kangaroos, and tourists so I can pay for my trip to Thailand at the end of the year. When I'm sipping Singha's in a bar on Samui island brushing off the advances of thirty nubile and scantily clad Thai hookers, I'll be thanking all the fish out there who chased their fourth nut draws.
Speaking of Thai hookers...
I played in the WWdN tournament on Poker Stars last night and ran into pocket aces with my 10-10. The tournament was called the Change100 Invitational. Everyone's favorite Hollyweird junkgrabber busted Wil last week. Congrats to Maudie, who won it all! Way to go, sweet sweet Maudie.
Oh, slighty off the topic... I'm pretty excited. I finally decided to buy so I can watch Yankees games from my laptop. I purchased the package specifically for the 2006 WSOP and the times that I crash at my mother's apartment in NYC since she doesn't get the YES network. It's $80 and worth it because I can watch any other games (that aren't blacked out). I toggled between the Yankees-BlueJays game and the Mets-Bravos game last night. And yes, the Yankees sucked ostrich testicles. I watched a rare weekday day game right now (watching baseball at 10am on the West Coast is kinda weird for me) and the Bronx Bombers bounced back. They were up 3-1 in the ninth inning when Mo Riveria took the mound to seal the victory with his second save of the season.
I gotta go now because I'm heading to the Bellagio to play $8/$16 against sauced up tourists. I'm also going to watch some of the World Poker Tour Championship that started yesterday at the Bellagio. I'll be posting end of day recaps over at Las Vegas and Poker blog. I'm going to be taking some photos today and will eventually post them here. I will not be live blogging anything on the Tao of Poker... until the final table next Monday. But I'll be at the Bellagio everyday between now and Monday so stop by the poker room or Fontana Room and say hello!
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