Have you gotten any SnailTrax official merchandise? I scored some. Take a peek at some of the very best of SnailTrax gear. Be the first kid on your block with a bumper sticker that sayd... Daddy likes 'em stout.
By the way, Charlie Shoten's book No Limit Life
Ed from Openers ended his blog on a bittersweet note. Take a peek at his last post. I had the pleasure of meeting him in Las Vegas. I wish him the best of luck.
The Poker Geek has a new url. Make sure you update your blog roll.
Also check out Absinthe's Troubles. That's the real live-blogging digity from Ryan.
Lastly, sorry to Change100 losing her job. You have to check out her latest post called I gave Hollywood my twenties and all I got was this lousy severance check. My career in Hollyweird ended before it even began! Someone has to give my favorite junk grabber a job.
Ok, I know it's late, but I finally published the Januaray issue of Truckin'. Take a peek at the first issue of 2006. It features several new writers such as John "Falstaff" Hartness and Sean A. Donahue. I'm hoping that they contribute more stuff later this year. Change100, my buddy Sigge Amdal from Norway, and the Human Head returned with epic stories. Sigge was in Estonia and we're lucky to read about his travels. I also wrote a hybrid subway story.
Truckin' - January 2006, Vol. 5, Issue 11. Subway Bitch Slap by Tenzin McGrupp
Pedro eventually graduated from low level thuggery to middle level drug dealing. He started out at the bottom as a look out, then a runner, then a full on dealer.... More
2. Two Inches of Banana by Change100
"All I know is that if I were a homosexual, I'd have to be a feeder. Two inches of banana and I'm gagging!" he said... More
3. Anniversary in Italy by John "Falstaff" Hartness
It was our anniversary, and we had ditched the tour group to do a little shopping and have a nice romantic dinner all to ourselves. So we meandered through the cobblestone streets of Taormina.... More
4. Taste by Human Head
Doug and I were long time tripping buddies. Both of us typically shied away from tripping with our group of friends, well, because we felt like the drugs were wasted on them. Not only did we love our drugs, we took them seriously... More
5. The West Texas No by Sean A. Donahue
The simple West Texas attitude is infectious. Give me a beer, George Strait and a karaoke machine to sing Hotel California or The Chair and a West Texan has found Nirvana. For they love to drink, smoke, chew and party... More
6. Living la vida Estonia by Sigge S. Amdal
My second fuck-up was leaving my camera at home. I despise tourists and consider myself a traveler. A traveler sees what he sees, a tourist what he came to see.... More
I ask that if you like these stories, then please do me and the rest of the writers a huge favor: Tell your friends about your favorite stories. It takes a few seconds to pass along the URL. I certainly appreciate your support. Feel free to shoot me an e-mail if you know anyone who is interested in being added to the mailing list.
P.S. The February 2006 issue will be released in less than two weeks. I'm seeking submissions for March and April 2006.
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