Los Angeles, CA

It's Sunday and a rare politics and business edition of the Tao of Poker. I leave online gaming legislation and political jargon to the experts at Pokerati, where Michalski and his crew do a thorough job on the topic. Nevada Senator Harry Reid introduced a bill for online poker legalization. Many industry insiders are feeling very positive about the prospects. But let's be frank here, Reid is doing this for big business interests -- land based casinos who want to enter the online gaming market to boost falling revenue. In addition many of the online poker rooms won't be allowed to obtain a license for two years or more. Don't get me wrong, anyway we can get our foot in the door counts. So if we can sneak into legitimacy because of Reid and no longer have to look over our shoulders for being lumped in with terror finance, then I'm all for it. Shit, if Reid can pull this off, I'll buy him a drink at the Hooker Bar.
On the financial front, my freelance work recently branched out into the business sector, and I found myself writing more and more in recent weeks about the 2008 financial meltdown and the massive storm that's coming in 2011. I posted a couple of videos of note on Tao of Pauly, which my friends re-named the Tao of Greed.
Yeah, it's Sunday... so sit back and devour these savory links while sweating your fantasy football matchups and/or grinding the Sundays tournaments.
Kudos to Stu Hoegner for breaking down the details of Harry Reid's Internet Poker Bill. (Pokerati)You know the drill by now. NGTFOOMO!
Los hombres at Wicked Chops Poker posted their own two cents on the bill. (Wicked Chops Poker)
And Kevin Mathers weighed in on the bill with Reid to Frist Online Poker Bill in Lame Duck Session?. (Bluff)
Matt Showell and Marty Derbyshire from PokerListings put together a remarkable piece of reporting on Saturday when he exclusively covered Phil Ivey at the WPT Bellagio's Five Diamond Main Event. They will be doing it again on Sunday and for the rest of the tournament...until Ivey either busts out or wins the whole thing. Check out All Ivey, All the Time. In an era when any creativity in poker media gets stifled, it was refreshing to see something completely different, entertaining, and refreshing. Awesome job, Matt and Marty. (Poker Listings)
It's been the biggest open secret on Wall Street for a while now that J.P. Morgan has been sitting a short position in silver for over $3 billion. If you're not investor savvy, then you're in luck because of a witty, yet informative Xtranormal video... Explanation of J.P. Morgan's Manipulation of the Silver Market. (Tao of Pauly)
Another funny video about investing. This one is ripe with inside jokes that made me miss my old job on Watt Street. Heh, I used to talk to some clients like the guy in the video... All You Need to Know About Investing: Buy Fucking the Dip. (Tao of Pauly)
OK, enough with the videos. I Don't Give a Fuck, That's the Problem is a rant I wrote about the sovereign debt crisis in Europe and the bailout package for Ireland. It's gotten so bad over there that a splinter group of the IRA threatened to blow up British banks. (Tao of Pauly)
I've been writing a series about the cultural impact of the gangsta rap group NWA. The second installment of NWA Fridays continued with Straight Outta Compton. (Coventry Music)
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