Los Angeles, CA
It's that time of the week again, as I scramble to throw together my fantasy football team based on injury reports and whatnot, and settle into a mind-numbing day as my assprint settles into the couch for a long day of shouting at the TV. Anyway, if you're looking for a few bits of pokery news to read at halftime, or if you're looking for something to kill during the grind of Sunday tournaments, here's a few poker and non-poker bits for you to masticate upon.
Let's start with poker stuff...
If you dug my most recent post on bracelets, then you have to read Shamus' take on WSOPE bracelets in something he wrote Are WSOPE Bracelets 'Real'?
Kevin Mathers made his first official appearance as a guest on This Week in Poker. Awesome job, KevMath, and thanks for the bit of praise you tossed my way! (Wicked Chops Poker)
I'm not one to sound off on political matters, especially when it comes to poker, but thankfully, Michalksi and crew are better educated than me in those matters, plus they cover that beat much better than anyone else in poker. Read how PokerStars is sticking it to real money players from the state of Washington.(Pokerati)
And in non-poker section...
Congrats to Prohel for winning Week 3 of Sundays with Dr. Pauly. (Fantasy Sports Live)
Otis eloqiently writes about dogs, but with an astute writers there's multiple stories being told there. (Rapid Eye Reality)
Thanks to Marty Beckerman for pointing out this gem about a letter that Hunter Thompson once wrote about seeking employment to a Vancouver newspaper. (Leader-Post)
I'm back to writing almost semi-regularly at my main joint. I cranked one thing out that was one of the more favorite things I scribbled down in while that only took five minutes to write.... The Alley Cat Wars, Vol 1. And for you documentary film buffs, or those who have a love/hate relationship with the shittards in Hollyweird, then I encourage you to let my review of I'm Still Here sink in. (Tao of Pauly)
Yep, that's it for now. Kick off is moments away and I got some money to make and brain cells to kill. NGTFOOMO!
<span>It was very easy to listen to, but hard to watch. Besides having the appearance that you would expect from someone who is monitoring 2+2 24/7 he needs to be advised that when he is on camera he should stop scratching himself, smelling his fingers, etc.
There is only proper authority on whether or not WSOP-E bracelets are equal to Vegas bracelets: the court of public opinion. From what I have seen and heard, they are not considered equal. I don't see them as equal, no matter how the powers that be tell me otherwise. It is kind of like Hollywood telling me how hot Sarah Jessica Parker is over and over again when she is a total beast.