Las Vegas, NV
Day 5 is one of those days when the interesting stories emerge and the rich get richer. Expect a few stacks to balloon, while almost 57.75% of the field gets wiped out. We totally came up with that number after pumping the Theory of Donkey Liquidation into the Chen 3000 Supercomputer... 231 players. Let's see if the computer is right.
In the meantime, follow along with the semi-live blog of Day 5. Don't forget you can always follow me on Twitter (@taopauly) for snarky commentary in 140 characters or less and twitpics.
Quick Numbers
2010 Main Event Entrants: 7,319
Players Remaining: 574
Payouts: 747
First Place: $8,944,138
Prizepool: $68,798,600
Chipleader: Tony Dunst - 1,546,000
Day 5 Chips:
Tony Dunst - 1,546,000
Duy Le - 1,460,000
Garrett Adelstein - 1,440,000
Matt Affleck - 1,395,000
Phil Galfond - 1,392,000
By the way, I'll be posting the Day 5 money winners here throughout the day.
Editor's Note: Due to the extreme length of the live blog, if you're reading this on the front page of Tao of Poker, then you have to click through READ MORE link below to read more.
Early Eliminations
The happened so fast that it was hard to keep up...
Recent Eliminations: Yevgeniy 'JovialGent' Timoshenko, Fabrice Soulier, Eric Buchman, David Baker, CK Hua and Benjo's future ex-wife Lauren Kling.
The Blue Is Dark
Yesterday, the spillover tables in the Pavilion were the first to break and then corners of the orange and the red sections were shut down. Today, the entire blue section is dark while the tables in red and orange are the ones with the action. Oh, and not to mention the featured tables. Both tertiary tables are empty.
The atmosphere seems rigid, but not as tense as yesterday. The rail seems a lot less crazy -- but it's only 1pm and the booze hasn't kicked in...yet. Agents are slithering around the rail like snakes in the grass. One of those douchenozzles is camped out in the pressbox like it's his office. Hey, conduct your whoring elsewhere -- in the hallways or the back alleys. And then these morons wonder why the press has little respect for third-rate used car salesmen.

Regardless, camera times equals big dollars as the tournament thins down.Big stacks, clowns, and big tits are a huge draw. If you have at least one of those, you have a potential windfall coming your way. If you have two or more, you're gonna be the next superstar.
It's starting to smell like a whorehouse in here.
The Recently Departed, Vol. 1
Recent Eliminations: Matt Matros, Karina Jett, and Shannon Shorr
Bruce Buffer's Fuck You Poker Quads
I caught the hand on the river. The board read 10c-8c-8s-Ks-6h. Bruce Buffer slid out a stack of orange chips. Pierre Canali moved all in and Buffer snapped called. He tabled As-Ad. Canali flipped over 8h-8d.
"Fuck me," muttered Buffer. Luckily no cameras were around to capture his f-bomb.
Buffer didn't leave right away. He was seated at the table closest to one of the doors, but he waited until an ESPN crew came by to give him a few moments of face time and a "faux handshake" with his opponent before he left the room.
Mizrachi 2x
Robert Mizrachi doubled up against Jason Mercier. His Kings were good against Mercier's fives. It was funny to hear a few amateur commentators on the rail talk about the hand as it progressed. I gotta say, they were better than Lon and Norm.
"Mercier, he's an online pro," said the guy on the rail to his wife. "He's one of the best in the world but he's been able to make amazing adjustments to live play which makes him more dangerous."
Astute observation. Maybe I was wrong about the rail being made of mostly inbred soused nits.
Featured Tables
Phil "OMGClayAiken" Galfond was seated at the featured TV table. I did not see his life-partner Gary Wise lurking on the rail. He has a huge man crush on the PLO legend, who is now closing in on 2 million.
Over at the secondary table, Vanessa Selbst was getting face time (I'm glad she deserves more mainstream coverage). I saw a pack of reds hanging out of her jacket pocket. Adam Levy was seated to her right. would love to see those too tango in a pot, but they are probably going to avoid each other and pick off the qualifiers at the table.
Too Many Eliminations; 477 Players Remain
With too many players busting, the staff paused action so they could catch up with all of the paperwork and get everyone paid in a timely matter. The clock was paused and everyone sent on an impromptu break.
477 players remain.
Dick Sucking
I love it when agents try to get outlets to alter the coverage. Hey, if you want me to not write what I hear, then you'll have to pay me. To bully a PokerNews reporter is even more low brow.
First off, anything involving Will 'The Thrill' Failla. The AC legend is always a quote machine and he said some pretty funny shit during a recent hand. Change100 was there and wrote it up...
Lodden ThinksSince Change100 can't write "suck a dick" on PokerNews, I can say it here. Anyway, if you know Will, you know that's probably the most G-rated thing he said all day. But his agent must be homophobic or something because he was uber-pised that it was reported. We live in a digital age with hyper-surveillance. if you're worried about the press printing stuff about your client -- then tell him to watch what he says!
Rodney Sherry opened for 14,000 from under-the-gun and Johnny Lodden, to his immediate left, three-bet to 41,000. The rest of the table folded and Sherry made the call.
Both players checked the {J-Clubs}{10-Diamonds}{2-Clubs} flop. The turn came the {Q-Diamonds} and Sherry checked to Lodden, who bet 64,000. Sherry called and they went to the river, which fell the {3-Hearts}. Sherry checked, Lodden bet 125,000 and Sherry moved all-in. Lodden slipped into tank mode and after a few moments, made the fold, prompting the following comment from his tablemate, Will "The Thrill" Failla.
"I will suck a d**k if someone doesn't have ace-king here!"
Um... OK...
Sherry did indeed flash ace-king, putting an end to any further shenanigans. He's up to 875,000 while Lodden fell to 560,000.
Ah, more unnecessary drama. I hope Will goes deep so you can hear more of his quips on the ESPN broadcast.
The Recently Departed, Vol. 2
Recent Eliminations: Vanessa Selbst, Shannon Shorr, Bart Hanson, Carter Phillips, Jason Lester, Bruce Buffer, and VVP.
Man, I was secretly rooting for Vanessa Selbst to make the final table. Oh well, 476 is an impressive finish. According to los hombres at Wicked Chops Poker, Evelyn Ng is the last woman standing.
By the way, I'm posting an updated list of money winners throughout the day.
Last Woman Standing Eliminated - Evelyn Ng?
Yep, she's gone, but she doesn't win the Wicked Chops Poker cup. Stay tuned for more details. 450 or so men and 2 women (one named Breeze - obviously from California) vying for the championship now.
Update Thanks to KevMath, there are a few other women still alive.
The Recently Departed, Vol. 4
Recent Eliminations: Jason Mercier, Mike Mustafa, Sammy Farha, and Dean Hamrick.
Featured Table Update - Sparse Crowd
I dunno why PLO cash game gurus are getting any love at the featured table because the crowd is more than 65% empty. Phil Galfond is hovering around 2 million or so and he doesn't have a raucous crowd. I was hoping it would be a zoo over there, like the chat box when Galfond usually plays cash games on FT.
On the secondary table, Pardaig Parkinson was moved into Vanessa Selbst's empty seat.
420 Players Remaining
Yes, Bob. 420 to go.
Recent money winners have been posted here.
The Recently Departed, Vol. 5
Recent Eliminations: Isaac Baron, French cash game guru Anthony Lellouche, Dwyte Pilgrim, Bernard Lee, Mike Woo, and Brandon Cantu.
395 Players Remaining
We dipped under 400 for the first time. Everyone is going to win at least $31,647 now. The pay jump to over $41K doesn't happen until 315th place.
Mr. Rain, the Dutch Leader, and Dunst Gets Swallowed by the Pack
The guy fondly known as Mr. Rain is in the Top 10 in chips. Jeff Banghart made a surge today to put him in the lead pack. Tony Dunst has since lost the lead after the chase pack caught him. He's still sitting on 1.7 million or so with Matt Affleck's 2.1 million next to him. Dutch pro Martijn Schirp is the currently chipleader much to the delight of my buddies in the Dutch media. Schirp snapped off Aces with a set of Kings. Oh, and young Russian, Alexander Kostritsyn, is also climbing the ladder.
383 players remaining.
The Great Scandi Conspiracy
Two members of the Scandi sleeper cell are seated at the same table. Jesper Hougaard is under 1M while Theo Jorgensen has around 1.5M. Ah, that minimizes the chances of a Scandi run. Meanwhile, Johnny Lodden is under 250K.
Persona Non Grata
We got so fed up about having agents in the press box, that we finally altered the sign. If I could sever the head of one of those vampires and hoist it up on a spike as a warning -- I would.
The Recently Departed, Vol. 6
Recent Eliminations: Cole South, Alex Jacob, Jason Sommerville, Adam Schoenfeld, and Spain's Tomeu 'Amatos' Gomila.
The thinning of the field is happening before our eyes as we're approaching the mid-300s.
From Russia, With Love
Sergey 'gipsy' Rybachenko is among the Russians still alive. He was backing many young Russian players last summer, but he had eased off the staking this summer. Supposedly, he had an influx in his bankroll due to timely World Cup bets.
Right now, Rybachenko is under 1M in chips and sitting in the orange section, while his fellow countryman, Alexander Kostritsyn, is closing in on 2M.
Three Females, Two Mizrachis
Danny Mizrachi just busted, joining his brother Eric on the rail. The Grinder and Robert are both alive.
Meanwhile... on the ladies front, we've tracked down the final three... Susan Nordsen, Dorothy Von Sachsen, and Breeze Zuckerman.
Luigi Sniffs Out Bobby Busto's Bluff
I sweated Jean Robert Bellande's table. He had Spanish player Luis 'Luigi' Ubierna. Just a few hands earlier, Ubierna doubled up to go up to 800K or so. He just took 420K or so off of Bellande. I caught the hand on the flop of Jd-8d-6s. Luigi checked. Bellande bet almost 100K and Luigi called. the turn was the 4c. Luigi check-called a 100K bet from Bellande. The 8h fell on the river. Luigi checked. bellande reached for two stacks of orange 5K chips and before he could push tthe 200K stack toward the center of the table, Lugi snap-insta-called. He tabled Kh-Kc for two pair, Kings and eights. Bellande shook his head and mucked.
The legion of Spanish spectators on the rail. led by Javier "Anguila" Etayo exploded in jubilation and unleashed a "Vamoooooooo!"
Fracas Inside the Ropes or Ode to the Douchebag Cameraman
The gang who film the WSOP is a highly professional bunch. I admire their hard work year after year. However, there's one asstard on their crew who constantly causes problems for the other press. He goes out of his way to be an asshole and when he's carrying heavy camera equipment, he has a potential deadly weapon at his disposal. I have to assume he has a small penis. No other reason for him to do this.
Anyway, last year he took a cheap shot at me and threw an elbow. Why? Because he's a dick and feels that he's entitled to act violently towards others. I've been doing this job for six years and I know where to stand and repsect the crew who has to do their job -- which is why I was livid last year. None of the other camera guys act like that. They're all pros and if they happen to bump into you -- they apologize and vice versa. However, this guy looks for trouble.
I witnessed an ugly incident when he elbowed one of the French reporters when there was not even a hand in progress that he was rushing to get. I fucking hate bullies. This has to stop. I hope the WSOP staff and the producers read this. No need for that type of violence. I've had a few run ins with this assclown since 2005. I know he nailed Mad Harper in the head in 2005 which almost sent Irish scribe Tom Murphy over the edge.
Warning to you, Mr. Douchebag Cameraman... one of us doesn't kick your ass in the parking lot. Maybe you'll finally stop your bullying tactics. And I'm not going to back down if he starts shit with me. I will fight back this year. Someone needs to do something, otherwise his uncouth behavior will continue.
Tempers are flaring on Day 5. By the way, if you're a poker media member who has had similar incidents, please let me know. I'd like to issue a formal complaint on behalf of the entire media, but would love your cooperation and input.
New Episode of Tao of Pokerati - Tempers Rising
Pauly interviews a fired-up Benjo!

Episode 67: Tempers Rising with Benjo DiMeo - An incensed Benjo goes off on an ESPN cameraman who tried to pick a fight with one of his French colleagues. As a six-year vet, Pauly shares a few of his run ins with the same surly cameraman who once nailed Mad Harper in the head. Yes, tempers are rising on Day 5 of the Main Event as the action on the tables and in the aisles heat up.Listen to more episodes of the quickest podcast in poker at the Tao of Pokerati Archives.
The Recently Departed, Vol. 7
Recent Eliminations: Eric Morris, Vitaly Lunkin, Hoyt Corkins, Roman Suarez, Eric Liu, Danny Mizrachi, Arnold Spee, and Allie Prescott.
Chow Down
It's dinner break. Play will resume around 7:40ish local time.
There are 312 players remaining.
No Cellphones on the Rail
First time for everything, but one of the floor guys guy on the mic and told spectators that they need to walk away from the rail if they want to have a phone conversation.
At this point of the tournament with 312 players to go, non-official media got kicked out of inside the ropes. We have to walk the "moat" which is an outer perimeter. It might be time for an embedded with railbirds report.
International Update
I chatted with Rey from Costa Rica who clued me in on the pros that he was following today which included a Mexican player names Jose Nadal. He had chipped up to 1.5 million.
Snoopy informed me about the 6 or 7 British players who was left. He included Padraig Parkinson on his watch list because he's Irish and that's close enough for Snoopy. Anyway, while he brought me up to speed on the Brits, Parkinson had busted out.
"He's on a perpetual Irish lunch," mused Snoopy.
JP Kelly has chips for the Brits. Maybe he can fulfill the year of the Brit by advancing to the November Nine.
On the French front, Damien Luis is their chipleader. He just took out a Belgium player.
Fokke Beukers is leading the Dutch charge. I love his fokking name. Former chipleader, Martijn Schirp, is still near the top in chips.
The Brazilians are going Vamoooooooo over Eduardo Parras.
Russia's Alexander Kostritsyn is repping the Motherland, while Evgeny Shnayder seems to have come out of nowhere.
And the Scandis? William Thorson is still alive while Theo Jorgensen has seized the lead. He's one of the first players to pass 3 million in chips. And everyone's favorite Norwegian, Johnny Lodden, has almost 1 million.
250 Players Remaining
If you want to see a list of today's money winners (and everyone who has cashed thus far in the Main Event)... head over to the money winner's page.
The Recently Departed, Vol. 8
Recent Eliminations: Dorothy Von Sachsen, Eric Morris, Will Failla, and Thayer Rasmussen
New Episode of Tao of Pokerati - Fun with Names: Fokkin Bonkers

Fun with names featuring Benjo and Pauly.
Episode 68: Fun with Names: Fokkin Bonkers with Benjo - After realizing that Dutch pro Fokke Beukers has the best name left in the Main Event, Benjo and Pauly search the remaining players list and attempt to pronounce the truly obscure and difficult names.Listen to more episodes of the quickest podcast in poker at the Tao of Pokerati Archives.
Breeze Zuckerman = Last Woman Standing
Congrats to California's Breeze Zuckerman for winning the last woman standing award, which is handed out by los hombres at Wicked Chops Poker.
The Recently Departed, Vol. 9
Recent Eliminations: Doug Carli, MrSmokey1, Padraig Parkinson, and Jason DeWitt.
243 and Counting
We are almost at the end of this level. After a twenty minute break, players will come back to play for one hour of play. Looks like out Donkey Liquidation Formula was off a bit. There's a chance we get under 200 players today.
Notables still alive include Johnny Fucking Chan, Scotty Nguyen, The Grinder, Bobby Bellande, Tony Dunst, David Benyamine, Scott Clements, OMGClayAiken, DanDruff, Rob Mizrachi, Shawn Rice, Eric Baldwin, Hassan Habbib, Diogo Borges, Ryan Young, and Matt Keikoan.
Fluuf Job for Evan Lamprea
Say hello to our new chipleader. Evan Lamprea is in good shape to end Day 5 as the chipleader, which means that everyone who wakes up tomorrow is gonna say, "Who the hell is Evan Lamprea?" All I know is that he's a Canadian pro with a single cash in this year's WSOP.
Lodden Two Times
Timely double up for Norwegian pro, Johnny Lodden, who doubled up with a pair of sevens. Mad Harper mentioned that he flopped a set and the rest was history. He's now on a stack worth 1.6 million. Here come the Scandis, eh? You wouldn't know it, because they are the quietest players in the room.
217... 217...
With about ten minutes left to play, there are 217 players remaining according to the clock. Spectators have been kicked out of the Amazon Ballroom for the last few minutes of play. The final tally will definitely fall short of our initial 231 estimate.
Day 5 Complete; 205 Players Remaining
205 players will return tomorrow at noon. Get official chipcounts here.
End of Day 5 - Top 10:
1 Evan Lamprea - 3.564M
2 Michael Skender - 3.527M
3 Joseph Cheong - 3.357M
4 Duy Le - 3.186M
5 Theo Jorgensen - 3.088M
6 Bryn Kenney - 2.902M
7 Matt Affleck - 2.896M
8 Alexander Kostritsyn - 2.564M
9 Johnny Chan - 2.559M
10 Sebastian Panny - 2.442M
What's the general feel on Johnny Fucking Chan?? A lot of people pulling for him to make a deep run?? I feel like he would be a crowd favorite. Just curious.
ReplyDeleteI know you have been 'in the biz' for some time now, but how do you recognize and comment on the vast number of widely known and only-to-poker-followers known players? How many are there? 200? 300? 500? It seems like a tall order, even for you and your almost-photographic memory.
ReplyDeleteBobR...the poker community is not as big as you think and someone like Doc (who has spent the better part of a decade covering these players) knows the majority of players because he travels the world covering them and the ones he doesn't know, he finds out who they are by doing research and the necessary legwork to get the inside scoop. That's one of the reasons why he is so fun to read. Don't mistake the fact that because he writes a blog that he isn't a "proper" journalist that researches his stories and subjects. I just wish he had more time to tell us more juicy tales like the ones in Lost Vegas. :)
ReplyDeleteI was rooting for a Selbst FT appearance, too, Paulie. Definitely want to see Dunst and Galfond there but so much play left that it's way too early to pick anyone.
ReplyDeleteSpoke to Failla a few minutes ago, who is steaming mad. In the same breath he claimed (a) that the comment was made "in confidence" and (b) that he never said it at all.
ReplyDeleteUm... OK...
I stand by the story, I stand by my floor reporter, and at least at this point, my editor stands by me. If players don't like it when we quote them, well they should watch their mouths. Nothing at the table is in confidence at this point-- it's a freaking TV production! Take responsibility for your own actions one time please.
I'll trust Change100 over that scumbag lowlife everytime.
ReplyDeleteGreat work as usual m'lady!
have somebody trip him take him out from under the knees. Im sure you could pay off a drunk railbird and make it look like an accident. Im Italian thats how we roll.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Joy Miller can assist in getting rid of the ESPN camera man since she has so much pull with ESPN?