Sunday, May 16, 2010

Justin Shronk Memorial Tournament on PokerStars

By Pauly
Los Angeles, CA

For a more than worthy cause...

I miss Shronk.


Thanks to Kevin Mather for pointing out how you can donate directly to the Shronk Memorial Fund...
To donate to Shronk's fund: Temple University's Online Community - Giving

1. Click Give Now. On the next screen...
2. Enter your amount.
3. Choose School of Communications and Theater on the first menu.
4. Choose Justin Shronk Memorial Scholarship on the second menu.
5. From there, click Next and complete all the stuff for payment type, address, etc.


  1. Kevmath11:26 AM

    [url=*] Temple University's Online Community - Giving[/url]

    To donate to Shronk's fund:

    1. Click Give Now. On the next screen,
    2. Enter your amount.
    3. Choose School of Communications and Theater on the first menu.
    4. Choose Justin Shronk Memorial Scholarship on the second menu.
    5. From there, click Next and complete all the stuff for payment type, address, etc.

  2. Pauly1:56 PM

    Thanks Mathers!

  3. Thanks KevMath!
