Looking out at the Pacific Ocean
(photo by Change100)
In a few hours, I will be flying to Melbourne, Australia to cover the Aussie Millions for Poker News at the luxurious Crown Casino, which is the largest casino in the Southern Hemisphere.
I will be writing a daily recap of the Aussie Millions on the Poker News website. In addition, John Caldwell and I will be doing a live two hour radio broadcast/show from the floor of the Crown Casino. Yes, Radio Free Pauly is back. I'll post the link to the radio broadcast shortly.
And of course, you can check back here at the Tao of Poker for random updates, pictures, and links as I head all the way to the other side of the world to play cards. Sometime this spring, High Roller magazine will also be publishing a feature article about my adventures and hijinks Down Under.
And here's the best thing about the gig... not only is Poker News paying all of my expenses (flight and hotel accomodations to Australia are pricey), but I'm also getting a $50/day per diem which is to cover my bar tab. Yes, Poker News and the Crown Casino threw in a free $50 bar tab everyday to keep me happy. Perks of being a faux doctor with a blog.
The trip is not all business. I'll have about two weeks to myself to explore and visit different cities. Garth gave me several great tips about his home country, so I feel as though I had access to privy information that not all travelers get to experience and hear. There's a Tool concert that I'm going to see with Caldwell. I will get to hang out with Jules in Melbourne, while Brandon Schaefer and I head up the coast to Sydney and Brisbane shortly after the Aussie Million's is over. There's a huge summer music festival going on while I am there, so I'll be able to combine several of my passions (poker, traveling, music, and writing) into one trip. Epic.
The only bad thing (aside from missing the Jets in the playoffs) is that I heard nasty rumors that the Untied Airlines flight from LAX to Sydney, which I happen to be taking, is the worst international flight in the history of aviation. Old plane, cramped germ-infested seats, geriatric stewardesses, awful food, and smelly crappers. Sounds like I'm about to embark on a fun filled 17 hour flight. I have two books, a fistful of pharmies, and I've downloaded several hours of TV shows like The Office and 30 Rock onto my iPod to keep me sane. If all else fails, there's always booze. I'll be leaving on a Thursday and arriving on Saturday morning. I lose a day when I cross over the International Date Line.
Stay tuned for Aussie Millions updates...
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