Los Angeles, CA

It's the worst time of the week, right? Monday mornings suck. Just when you get used to doing your own thing, you gotta suck it up and take guff for the next five days. I feel your pain. That's why I whipped up this batch of poker-related goodness to help dull the pain of Monday Morning. So kick back with a cup of java or something stronger if you're fortunate enough to get shit-faced at work by sneaking a few swigs of Irish coffee...or even harder if you decided to eat pain killers at work today, which if the case, kudos to you! Enjoy your faded Monday.
Will Jeffrey Pollack's Federated Poker League Work? Los hombres formulated their opinion on the latest venture from former WSOP Commish Jeffrey Pollack. They interviewed a few industry insiders who shared their initial reactions on the long-term future of Pollack's new league. (Wicked Chops Poker)Happy Monday. You know the drill...NGTFOOMO.
Are there too many poker tournament series these days? John Katkin tackles the subject in an Op/Ed Too Many Tourneys. I'm kinda siding with Katkin on this one. A consolidation in the international and domestic schedule would be welcomed from many facets of the industry to create an off-season. All other pro sports have a season (with a pre-season and post-season) with a lengthy off-season. Poker used to have a few lulls in the schedule, but not anymore. (Pokerati)
Last summer, one of the best things written about the 2010 WSOP was done by a guest poster. Yep, Change100 contributed an editorial for the Tao All-Stars about the WSOP's identity crisis: Everything All the Time. When the 2011 WSOP schedule was announced last week, she penned a follow up piece critique: Everything All the Time Reprise. Pot Committed)
Erik Seidel won the $250,000 (Aussie Bucks) Highest High Roller event at the Aussie Million. He's been running good in high roller events. Maybe he shouldn't play anything under a 25K buy-in anymore? Anyway, read Shamus' "Hard to Relate" take on the 250K. (Hard-Boiled Poker)
The newly added PokerStars Home Games are going to be a gold mine according to one European gaming insider. (Infinite Edge)
I had fun writing this post How to Take Over a Politically Unstable Country in Six Easy Steps. Little did I know that Egypt would fall within 48 hours. I hope that doesn't get me on any watch lists. (Tao of Pauly)
If you work in the financial sector, then here's a funny video riddled with inside jokes about the bank bailouts. If you don't know much about the bailouts, then check this video that a friend of mine on Wall Street dubbed "a fucking cartoon to explain to the sheeple that they got fucked by the bailouts." (Tao of Fear)
Funk Mix is a collection of music for those of you with proclivities to ass-shaking funk. This is the perfect mix for working out, playing poker, or even writing half-baked link dumps like this one. Warning: the mix might cause you to stop what your doing and want to freaky... (Coventry)
Photo credit: Me
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