Las Vegas, NV

Dan Michalski actually showed up at the Rio on Thursday and we recorded a couple of episodes of the fastest poker podcast on the intertubes. Check out these games...
Episode 3: Dan's Smoothie and Welcome to the Mothership (3:06) - Dan finally showed up to the WSOP a little late... three days late... and he ran into a credentials snafu. Pauly gives him some guff while he covers the heads-up Grudge Matches, but Dan is digging the plush couches behind the media perch.For more episodes, visit the Tao of Pokerati archives.
Episode 4: Team Pokerati Update and the Men the Master/Hollywood Dave's Fracas (4:58) - Dan and Pauly hang out on the rail of Event #3 $1,500 Omaha 8 after the money bubble bursts. They discuss updates on Angry Julie, a member of Team Pokerati, along with detailing the highlights of argument that almost turned into a brawl when Men the Master (ironically) accussed Hollywood Dave of being a cheater.
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